1. This is a post for prompts, no fills allowed.
2. You can come back here and leave prompts all week (to be more accurate let's say: the next 60 hours).
3. At the end of the week there will be a separate post - a Prompt Meme, with all the prompts listed, so they can be filled.
(Mod Note: You will still be able to prompt in Prompt Meme 03 on Friday if you want to, & you might find some ideas in the
Revelation of the Week post)
Prompting Style.
+ ONE (1) Prompt per comment, please. As many prompts as you can fit in one comment.
+ Character(s) and/or Pairing | Your Prompt*
*A prompt = (single word(s) or a description with more detail, a picture, a lyric, or a song - but plz no Youtube embeds)
Charlie, Rachel | No words left.
Any/All Mathesons, & Monroe | Danny is killed, Charlie is taken. Ben has two weeks to get to Philadelphia.
Miles/Monroe | Feels like I'm drowning in the rain.
Ensemble | Seize the day.
* * *
Mod Note: I'd recommend prompting 'Any' btw, just to see what happens. Be flexible. See what people can do, ie:
Any/Any | Stay with me.
Any | Dark, Spill, Die.
There's still unfulfilled prompts laying dormant in Prompt Meme (
1) and (
2) if you're feeling mused up right now.
- - -
+ You can be Anon if you want; this is an open invitation to all Revolution fans to prompt things, you don't need an LJ.
Dude, we just want you for your ideas, not your username :P
Note: This post contains SPOILERS (anything 1.01 - 1.07 is fair game) || Contact a mod immediately if you have any issues on this post.