Two Jim Beaver Interviews, spoilery tweets and Spoilery Extras Casting.

Oct 26, 2013 22:48

Screencaps. 2.05, One Riot, One Ranger - (171 MB ) -

(I read these and forgot them, as I do when a new episode is just around the corner - so here they are. Spoilers. Although it's nice to hear Jim talking about Fry and his take on things.)

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(ep): 2.05 one riot one ranger, !season: two, (misc): media, (misc): interview, (misc): spoilers, (misc): news, (misc): screencaps

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Comments 5

remainvanishing October 26 2013, 11:56:54 UTC
Okay, so that's unexpected! More fireflies magic? Cause Bass definitely did kill him. Maybe flashbacks? Naah, we ain't that lucky. Dr Horn aka Dr Frankenstein? I'm intrigued and it will probably just be him playing a dead body



1:00 pm - JULIA Stand-in (Misty)

Ha, so she is alive!

sorry for all the editing, my brain is really slow today...


mustbethursday3 October 26 2013, 12:12:07 UTC
It's all the gifing. Coz mine is like that too.

The fireflies better leave well enough alone.

I mean Aaron is one thing, but random people - please no.

Willoughby, the town where no one dies permanently. Unless they burst into fire.

He was there for a day, so it couldn't have been too intensive. But I swear if he gets up and starts walking I will scream and throw something like a 5 y.o having a tantrum. If I can't have Ben or Maggie (or Jeremy) back, you're not allowed to bring anyone else back, Show.

It's not fair.

OOooooh But Dr Horn going all Frankenstein would be awesome. That's the only way I'll accept reanimation. God I hate the fireflies.

Ha, so she is alive!There was one call for her stand in a few weeks ago...or a month or more, I forget (Ivy might know) - so this is the second one (that I know of). Which is fantastic. She makes Tom better, Jason's not really enough as a character...I mean Tom was playing doctor with that lady patriot this week and leaning in all close and weird and I was scrunching up my nose willing ( ... )


gizzi1213 October 27 2013, 01:16:48 UTC
I'd prefer Julia be seen only as a flashback. I think it was pretty clear she was in Atlanta when the bombs dropped and I doubt even fireflies could save her then.

God I hate the fireflies.

Agreed, especially since they give Aaron way to much screen time which is precious time wasted in a 42 minute episode.


mustbethursday3 October 26 2013, 12:01:10 UTC
How can Jim come back and do more next week?

Unless he means back on Revolution as a corpse...

But they wouldn't have him fly back to do that.

And he said he wasn't in any flashbacks, although that interview might have been before he went back for seconds...


And also, look at all the Mexico \o/

...But, guys I'm kind of worried something happens to Charlie. Because where is her stand in? Like maybe she's been taken captive - and this draws everyone on a Mexico adventure road trip? - so all they need are indoor, set shoots (and therefore don't require Texas extras?)

OH and there was that call for a Charlie double a while ago - one to work pretty much every day so...maybe that ties in?

I get all squimish imagining Charlie away from everyone else. Coz at least when I didn't have Marlie, I had Charm.

What will I have if she's with strangers...*nods* OKAY a pretty kickass rescue posse with emotional issues fighting and bantering their way to her - but other than that?

I suppose if it's just the grown ups we ( ... )


ivy_b October 27 2013, 21:07:17 UTC
"So it kind of leaves their history-- at least in the initial episode-- as one of those things they'll get to when they get to-- once they're through this initial crisis.""I hate you Jim Beaver. If he's back next week, it's probably as a corpse, I can't see him being alive somehow or revived (only Aaron gets to play Jesus ( ... )


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