Two Jim Beaver Interviews, spoilery tweets and Spoilery Extras Casting.

Oct 26, 2013 22:48

Screencaps. 2.05, One Riot, One Ranger - (171 MB ) -

(I read these and forgot them, as I do when a new episode is just around the corner - so here they are. Spoilers. Although it's nice to hear Jim talking about Fry and his take on things.)

October 22, 2013 |

Jim Beaver calls 'Revolution' role gruff like Bobby Singer but not as lovable

Those of you who are expecting a reunion between Eric Kripke and Jim Beaver to produce "Uncle" Bobby 2.0 may be a little crushed to learn that Beaver's "rugged" Texas Ranger character John Fry on NBC's Revolution is not nearly as lovable as Bobby Singer himself. At least, that's what the actor thinks after having spent time in his boots over in Austin filming the show.

"I think if you took Bobby Singer and added a little more gruffness and subtracted a whole bunch of likeability, you might have a pretty clear picture of John Fry. The lovable part of 'gruff and lovable' has kind of disappeared. He's a strong, silent type who doesn't put up with any nonsense," Beaver said to LA TV Insider Examiner.

"From the pages I've seen so far, there's not a lot of sweet with John Fry. He doesn't have a lot of 'Awww...' moments [and] you won't be seeing the same kind of quips or smart remarks that you're used to with Bobby Singer."

Beaver comes into the world of Revolution in "One Riot, One Ranger" as a figure from Miles' (Billy Burke) past who could help him bring down the Patriots in a big way. But the way they left things back in the day means Fry is not so happy to see Miles again, let alone to work with him.

"You pick up very quickly in the episode that they've got history together and that Fry isn't very happy to see Miles. He's really not happy to see him not dangling from a rope!" Beaver said, noting that there are no flashbacks for his character just yet.

"It takes some convincing, it does. But the circumstances in which they come together, there's enough other stuff that they have to deal with that they're kind of forced to put their own history on the back burner and deal with what's going on at the moment. So it kind of leaves their history-- at least in the initial episode-- as one of those things they'll get to when they get to-- once they're through this initial crisis."

As Revolution episodes have unfolded, we have seen new sides to many characters, revealing secrets and duplicity and at times surprising vulnerability and redeeming factors, too. Beaver feels that his John Fry is not a guy about whom you have to worry too much about having things simmering under the surface to take characters, or even the audience, by surprise after meeting him.

"My sense is that Fry is pretty much what he appears to be. He doesn't talk a lot or let on that he's got secrets, so maybe some secrets are yet to be revealed to me. But I'm not playing it that way; I'm playing it that he is what he says he is, and in his view, he's a stand-up, straight forward character," Beaver said.

"My sense is that he's a pragmatist and that whatever circumstances are presented to him, he adapts quickly and without a lot of anxiety over what's been lost. It's like 'Okay, this is the hand we're dealt today, this is the hand we're going to play.' He doesn't seem to me at all to be the sort who ruminates over changes but really gets on with the job at hand."

Fry may have an "all business" attitude on-screen, but off on the set, Beaver was having fun not only tapping into a "nice change of pace" character for himself but also riding in on horseback to potentially save the day.

"They did the western episode of Supernatural, and I was pretty much the only one that didn't get to ride a horse on that, so I'm making up for that on this one!" Beaver said.


October 23, 2013 |

'Revolution': Jim Beaver rides back into Eric Kripke's world

Jim Beaver guest-stars on "Revolution" Wednesday (Oct. 23) in a role that seems tailor-made for him: commander of the Texas Rangers and interior minister of the Texas government.

Given his history with "Revolution" creator Eric Kripke, the part may very well have been created with Beaver in mind. The two worked together for years on "Supernatural," and Beaver says he has "enormous fondness" for Kripke.

"If he wants to shoot the telephone book, I'm going to be there and just ask him which letter he wants me to start with," Beaver tells Zap2it. "We've remained in touch sporadically even after he left day-to-day operations of 'Supernatural,' so I wasn't entirely surprised to hear from him when this part came up. But I've got a handful of producers in my past that all they've got to do is call and I'm ready to go to work for them, and Eric is definitely one of those."

Beaver's character, John Franklin Fry, rides into Willoughby with a contingent of Rangers -- "one of those entrances that a boy dreams about," he says -- after the Patriots take over the town where Miles (Billy Burke), Rachel (Elizabeth Mitchell) and Aaron (Zak Orth) are living -- and, as of last week's episode, planning a resistance operation.

As has often been the case during the show's run, Miles and Fry have some history -- not much of it good.

"He's got a big bone to pick with Miles," Beaver says of his character. "Fry and Miles -- let's just say Fry's not very happy to see Miles, but circumstances force them to join forces, at least initially. ... It's the kind of thing where it's, 'OK, we've got to work together, but when this is done, you and I are gonna go round and round.'"

Beaver allows that his guest appearance on "Revolution" is more than just a one-off, but he won't say how long Fry sticks around: "There are surprises ahead for the audience. If I say too much about how many episodes I'll give away too much."


And I'm including some tweets (and thanks to Nika I know how to do that) below, coz apparently dead isn't dead anymore on this show:

Just finished my first week of Revolution. Back home in my hotel at nearly 4am. Everything hurts. Everything is tired.
- Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) August 24, 2013

Off to Austin again. Revolution, ho!
- Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) September 11, 2013

Wrapped REVOLUTION and I'm home for a while with no work lined up till spring. Hope I can get a few things done...
- Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) September 13, 2013

In case anyone's wondering, I'll be on REVOLUTION again next week.
- Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) October 25, 2013


Extra Casting Calls

Oct, 23

Work Date: WEDNESDAY - October 23rd, 2013

9:30 am - CAUCASIAN MALE AND FEMALE FARM WORKERS (who have not been Pre-fit into a costume)
10:00 am - CAUCASIAN MALE AND FEMALE FARM WORKERS( people who have been fit by Wardrobe)
10:00 am- HISPANIC MALE FARM WORKERS ( who have not been pre-fit into a costume)
10:30 am - HISPANIC MALE AND FEMALE FARM WORKERS ( People who have been fit by Wardrobe)
10:30 am- MILES Stand-in (Klifton)
10:30 am- RACHEL Stand-in (Misty)
10:30 am - MONROE Stand-in (Beau)
12:00 pm - FARM BOSS Stand-in (Samuel)


Oct, 24

Work Date: THURSDAY - October 24TH, 2013

10:45 am - ALL CARTEL HOOKERS ( please bring cover-up and comfy shoes or something you can put over your costume when you are not filming)
11:15 am - DRUG PUSHERS
11:15 am - MALE CARTEL GUYS (Juan F., Joshua M, Jonathas O., Tristan, R.)
11:30 am - OLDER HISPANIC WOMEN (Sanjuana)
12:00 pm - MILES/CONNER Stand-in (Klifton)
12:00 pm - RACHEL/ CARTEL GUY Stand-in (Misty)
12:00 pm - MONROE Stand-in (Justin)
2:30 pm - TIMO/MAN Stand -in (Samuel)
5:00 pm - CONNER’S POSSE (Mishe F., Miguel T.)


Oct, 25

Work Date: FRIDAY - October 25TH, 2013

11:45 am - MALE AND FEMALE PATRIOTS (all others not listed below)
12:15 pm - MALE PATRIOT GUARDS (J. Leonard, B. Thetford, B. Wallin, J. Hunt,D.Walker)
1:00 pm - JULIA Stand-in (Misty)
1:00 pm - TOM NEVILLE Stand-in (Armand)
1:00 pm - UTILITY Stand -in (Samuel)
1:00 pm - JASON/UTILITY Stand-in (Paul)

(ep): 2.05 one riot one ranger, !season: two, (misc): media, (misc): interview, (misc): spoilers, (misc): news, (misc): screencaps

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