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mustbethursday3 July 29 2013, 07:51:28 UTC
Question Thread

Some questions we had last time....

1. How do I comment a link to my fic/vid?

Like so:

[Title] | [Main Pairing/Characters] | [Prompt Word] | [Rating]


Lockout | Charlie, Miles, Monroe | Boxes | R

And then I'll link to your fic/vid in the table...and there would 99 (or whatever number) prompts left unwritten. It doesn't mean no one else can write it, it just means only yours - as the first - is on the Community Prompt Table for that word.

2. And if I do fill (and that's a huge if) I post a link here?

If you do a fill - post it to the community (nbc_revolution) like you normally would (you can just promo/let us know that you have made something and link to your LJ if you want), and then use the tag '(misc): prompt table fill' along with whatever other tags suit your fill ( ... )


mustbethursday3 July 29 2013, 08:02:15 UTC
Table Code. (for the ambitious)

Okay -- I provided the Table code in case anyone wanted to try and conquer ALL of the prompts (or at least as many as possible). When people start a prompt table, usually they copy the provided code so they can post it somewhere in their LJ and keep track of their own progress. I figured if someone would like to just do as many as possible - they might like the same chance, as I'll only be linking to the first work that someone does for a prompt word.

... )


ivy_b July 29 2013, 18:53:15 UTC
Thanks for doing it Thursday, those are some nice shiny words, hopefully my muse will be tempted. I did promise Gizzi a Rachel/Jason fic....


buttercups3 July 29 2013, 22:03:47 UTC
I did promise Gizzi a Rachel/Jason fic....

*shudders* Do it! Do it!


gizzi1213 July 30 2013, 03:36:53 UTC

I'll have a barf bag handy!


mustbethursday3 July 30 2013, 09:36:18 UTC
I can see it now, we're going to have to wash your brain afterwards

...and possibly chip in for Comm-wide therapy.


buttercups3 July 29 2013, 22:03:13 UTC
Yays! Thanks Thursday and Mercy! I hope I did it right, since I'm all wobbly legged like Bambi when it comes to this. I posted the story to the comm, but the prompt I filled today was Paper Lantern. Someone correct me if I'm an embarrassment in the procedural stuff.

The words are very shiny indeed! (Knowing me I might do 60 in 60. Yikes!)

Ummm...editing here to include the link. Oops. Told you I suck at this. (Do I need to repost all that info or just the link, guys?)

Title: Paper Fire
Author: buttercups3
Rating: T
Words: 1342
Pairing: Miloe
Summary: Miles is on his way to win back Danny and confront Monroe, when a paper lantern reminds him of his old lover. Moody Miloe piece. Prompted by "paper lantern" on the table.

Read it on AO3.
"A red smear of fire drifted languidly across the starry ether."


mustbethursday3 July 30 2013, 09:30:15 UTC
Added :)

And you don't have to provide all that info, just - [Title] | [Main Pairing/Characters] | [Prompt Word] | [Rating] - will do. And any warnings you want to add on, of course (if needed). But if you want to go to the trouble, that's good too.

(And you tagged everything perfectly, if that helps)

And anyway, Cory tended to add a little summary (to suck me us in)...

Fifty-nine to go, and I might have to give it a whirl this time. Looks like fun :D


buttercups3 July 30 2013, 18:02:00 UTC
Thanks. Duly noted.

It IS fun. Do it!


mustbethursday3 July 31 2013, 12:18:52 UTC
Well, I am itching to play with Bass and Charlotte...

Or even Maggie and Jeremy. Or even Maggie and Jeremy together.

(A long, long time ago when I had to write an exchange fic for um...it might have been Christmas, and I wrote a million starts to this freakin story...and each time a little part of my soul died and one of them was some weird love triangle, unrequited love thing, between Bass/Maggie/Jeremy with twenty-something Charlotte Monroe watching on in amusement...and it never went anywhere, but it's still in my head. And it might be nice to exorcise that particular demon.)


buttercups3 July 31 2013, 00:01:14 UTC
Sheepishly...yes, another has arrived. Someone get me out of Miles's head, where I appear to be living this week!

Title: A Study on Mortification in Three Parts
Author: buttercups3
Rating: M (perhaps edging into E...but not for me ;) )
Warnings: brief but rather graphic torture, discussion of rape, oblique masturbation scene
Pairing: Rachel/Miles (unrequited)
Characters: Miles, Bass, Rachel, Jeremy (Charlie discussed)
Words: 2102
Summary: What mortification means to Miles based on its three dictionary definitions. Involves snippets of Miles lusting after Rachel, his experiences as a POW in Afghanistan (my canon), and his leadership as general of the Monroe Republic. The origins of Dark!Miles.

Written for the prompt: mortification. Read it on AO3.


mustbethursday3 July 31 2013, 12:12:03 UTC
Hey I don't care how many you do, as long as you don't expect me to update the table every day *laughs* ...it's bad enough once a week. And eventually I get to a point (like last time) where I just forget to do it and someone (Cory) has to tell it's over (I only finished adding all the links on Prompt Table V.1.0 just before I posted this new one)...I'm reliable is me.

Anyway, added.

But next time could you give the prompt it's own space - Like this:

Title: A Study on Mortification in Three Parts
Rating: M (perhaps edging into E...but not for me ;) )
Prompt: Mortification
Warnings: brief but rather graphic torture, discussion of rape, oblique masturbation scene
Pairing: Rachel/Miles (unrequited)
Characters: Miles, Bass, Rachel, Jeremy (Charlie discussed)
Words: 2102
Summary: What mortification means to Miles based on its three dictionary definitions. Involves snippets of Miles lusting after Rachel, his experiences as a POW in Afghanistan (my canon), and his leadership as general of the Monroe Republic. The origins of Dark!Miles ( ... )


buttercups3 July 31 2013, 12:47:39 UTC
Yes. Will do the simplified henceforth. My apologies. I wouldn't want to incite the pouting. :) And no, I don't expect you to update the table every day or even until Cory tells you it's over at the end. ;) And when it's over...Revolution will be here! With Billy's new hair!


buttercups3 August 1 2013, 01:43:09 UTC
So I won't even apologize for my prolific ficcing anymore, but I will be a good comm member and get this right this time:

Of Oil and Water | Ch. 1: Ding, Dong our Mom is Dead | Ben and Miles Matheson | Wired | G


mustbethursday3 August 3 2013, 09:31:54 UTC
Added :)

And look at you bringing all these lovely people over.


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