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mustbethursday3 July 29 2013, 07:51:28 UTC
Question Thread

Some questions we had last time....

1. How do I comment a link to my fic/vid?

Like so:

[Title] | [Main Pairing/Characters] | [Prompt Word] | [Rating]


Lockout | Charlie, Miles, Monroe | Boxes | R

And then I'll link to your fic/vid in the table...and there would 99 (or whatever number) prompts left unwritten. It doesn't mean no one else can write it, it just means only yours - as the first - is on the Community Prompt Table for that word.

2. And if I do fill (and that's a huge if) I post a link here?

If you do a fill - post it to the community (nbc_revolution) like you normally would (you can just promo/let us know that you have made something and link to your LJ if you want), and then use the tag '(misc): prompt table fill' along with whatever other tags suit your fill.

Then come here and post a comment - something along the lines of the above example. Just so I have a link to the fill, the name, and which prompt word inspired you.

And I'll link the right word in the prompt table to your fill. So, we'll start to see more and more links, letting us know which prompts have been written and which one's haven't.

3. Can I combine my fill with a fill from another challenge?

Yep, as long as you do use a prompt from the Prompt Table - you can combine it with anything from anywhere. As technically it is prompting you (even if you're prompted by something else as well)


mustbethursday3 July 29 2013, 08:02:15 UTC
Table Code. (for the ambitious)

Okay -- I provided the Table code in case anyone wanted to try and conquer ALL of the prompts (or at least as many as possible). When people start a prompt table, usually they copy the provided code so they can post it somewhere in their LJ and keep track of their own progress. I figured if someone would like to just do as many as possible - they might like the same chance, as I'll only be linking to the first work that someone does for a prompt word.

07.Trial Basis08.Surrender09.Achilles' Heel10.Gloves11.Return12.Tower
13.World's End14.Alone15.Paper Lantern16.Union17.Boxes18.Honour
19.Wild West20.Underhill21.What happens in...22.Death23.Glass24.Protection
31.Hot Springs32.Sacrifice33.Fingernails34.Bargain35.Plague36.Lady Luck
37.Found38.Maggie39.Time Travel40.Remorse41.Wired42.Rules
43.Ninth Life44.Patriot45.Storm46.Mirror47.Kiss48.Amputee

AND ALSO: Do list warnings for triggers and SPOILERS.


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