Rev100: Countdown - Gifs and Other Graphics Challenge

Mar 23, 2013 14:07

Starts: Now | Ends: in 100 hours (see countdown)

This post is for everything that's graphicy...but not an icon.
Including: Headers, Banners, Gifs, Picspams etc.

The Challenge is to push yourself: change styles, use unfamiliar characters, new textures/brushes - make something funny, or inspiring, or loveable - and remember that you only have 100 hours.
  • Headers should be a reasonable size; width: 700-800px, height: 200-300px.
  • Banners can be whatever shape you're happy with. It's up to you if you want to supply plain ones or add text ('friends only', for example).
  • Wallpapers - 1280x800 is a popular size. But again, it's up to you.
  • Gifs should be under 1MB. (Can include text/quotes if you want.)
  • Picspams - we are in desperate need of - so do as much or as little of an episode as you like.

^^^MOD NOTE: Whatever you choose to do in the 100 hours - you can post into the comments below so we can see everything in one place...but more importantly everything should be posted to the Community, or (if it's on your LJ/Tumblr) a link to it in a promo post.

Resource Links: Icon_Textures, big_tutorials, yeahps (Tumblr), How to make a gif in Photoshop (itsfuuh.Tumblr), How to: Gif Tutorial & Circle Gifs (fyeahtutorial.Tumblr), DeviantArt texture tag, Our Screencap tag,, and Our Promo Pic tag.

Here's some (NBC) promo pics to get you started, but can use any images you like:
[31 flavors of awesome (click to open)]

+ If you have any favorite resources/tutorials that you want to recommend - feel free to do so below :D
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Requests can be made with this form (if you know the correct size of what you want - MENTION IT):

Graphic Request (character/episode/scene/colour/b&w/sad/happy/quote/theme/ship etc):


+ If you want a part of a YT cast interview gif'd - link to it.

+ If you want someone to make a Tumblr post about something, Rachel and Bass Vs Rachel and Ben, for example, so that you can reblog it - it can't hurt to ask for it :)

Lastly, I haven't included any spoiler pics from the next half of the season on this post purposely - so if you use a spoiler pic:

Requesters: You must link to it - NOT post it - warning that the link goes to a spoiler pic.
Makers: You must post a link to the graphic(s) you've made, rather than actually post it(/them) in your reply comment.

We don't want to kill the joy of suspense for others.

(misc): community activity, (misc): four month gap, (fw): fanart, !season: one, (misc): promo pics, (misc): mod post

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