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sasha_b May 18 2015, 00:18:41 UTC
Sins | Bass Monroe | Sins | PG13

How many things are considered sins in this day and age?

How many things hold such horror, create such grief that people look at them as breaking the rules of morality? How many people think that the devil walks among them?

How many people care about one tiny baby, and one dead woman? How many people care about a group of rebels that had almost taken a single man’s life?

How many care about a husband and wife separated, two children left motherless by choice?

How many people care about one warlord, about to be executed by ancient and barbaric state law? One man, lost in the sea of what’s right and wrong, his life forfeit because what he believes in, what he does, is seen as a sin by enough people?

Bass waits until Miles has left him in his impromptu cell in a bank vault in fuck-all, Texas, before allowing the thready, shaky laughter to come.


mustbethursday3 May 30 2015, 09:00:57 UTC
Added :)


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