This is not a test, there is no time to roll!

Jul 21, 2005 22:54

Yo yo yo

I havent had caffeine today until right now so its having like a triple affect on me for some reason... Haven't done that much this week. Went to the st. agnes picnic on saturday with brittany and angela. That kicked ass. They have actual carnival ride there. The ferris wheel was pretty awesome, you could flip in it and such and "hold" the flip. However, angela managed the thing to get stuck so we were stuck upside down for awhile...Alot of people from ascension were there. I hadn't seen Jacque since her birthday so that was kind of cool. Oh yeah, and you got to ride a trolley down to the picnic, that was neat! I hadn't riden one since was like five. Those things seemed alot bigger back then...

Tuesday was the last day volunteering, so thats nice. I got them muffins, well actually my mom did, but, it had my name on it, so, ha! Wednesday, yeah, I went to kentucky kingdom with Lauren, Becca, Alex and Brad(they go to St. SUCKS, AKA St X). I dunno, I wasn't the odd one out so it wasn't that bad. And they were cool so it worked out. First time I actually bought those tubes, too. That was nice cause we around lazy river like 486764564 times. Plus, you get a free LARGE drink if you return it, though you spend seven dollars for the tube itself... And today was kind of boring. I went to the mall (oxmoor) with brittany. That was fun. Oh and we saw Eric (welsh) and his brother and a bunch of his brother friends. That was, erm, interesting..

Oh and I'm really glad cause we aren't going to florida. The stairs to the beaches were wiped out in front of the condo we rented. So instead we are going to Gatlinburg from Sunday to Thursday. And its a lot bigger, my own bedroom and therse a pool table and hot tub. Oh and five televisions.=D Random pictures of the house we're renting and some other random ones. Click them to make them bigger.

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