Title: Lover's Game Author: Yaya Rating: PG14, Spoilers R Warning: strong language, sexual contet under spoiler, if possible Summary: I have no plan
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Title: Lover's Game Author: Yaya Rating: PG14, Spoilers R Warning: strong language, sexual contet under spoiler, if possible Summary: I have no plan
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Title: Lover's Game Author: Yaya Rating: PG14, Spoilers R Warning: strong language, sexual contet under spoiler, if possible Summary: I have no plan
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Title: Lover's Game Author: Yaya Rating: PG14, Spoilers R Warning: strong language, sexual contet under spoiler, if possible Summary: I have no plan
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Title: Lover's Game Author: Yaya Rating: PG14, Spoilers R Warning: strong language, sexual content under Spoilers, if possible Summary: I have no plan
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Title: Lover's Game Author: Yaya Rating: PG14, Spoilers R Warning: strong language, sexual contet under spoiler, if possible Summary: I have no plan
[Explicit scene]My hand caressed her body, lovingly, carefully. She sighed and swayed her body, riding me slow and sensually. Her hair fell over her shoulder, long and straight, ending at her hip and tickling my
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