Apr 08, 2005 14:30
so i was hit by a fucking truck yesterday. no shit.
thank god im ok. im scraped and bruised and have a fractured vertebra. but thats it. nothing more. thank god.
so i was crossing the street right after i got off the bus from school. and i was listening to my gd ipod(AH). but, i did wait until the light was green to cross. unfortunately, stupid amberley refuses to put in any sidewalks or crosswalks. if there had been a walk sign, i would have known that the cars coming towards me had a left turn signal. of course, he should have seen me and waited to turn. asshole. so im like, 3/4 of the way accross the lane, when he smacks me with the side of his truck and his mirror. apparently i flew like, five feet into the air. i dunno. all i remember is thinking in that split second, "whats this feeling?" at first it didnt feel good or bad. then i saw the truck at an odd angle and i was like "oh my god!" so i landed on the ground and got up right away, still reeling in shock from whatever the fuck just happened. the guy stopped and told me to stand on the side of the road. he said he knew first aid and sorta checked me over, though not very well. he was gonna take me home, as if nothing like what had just happened had happened. he let me use his cell phone to call my parents. a witness called the police. the idiot never even apologized.
so the police came and then the amulance. i had already been up and walking around for a while, and i walked into the ambulance. they wanted to take precautions, so they put me on a board and into a neck brace and took me to children's hospital. in the trauma room, at least 15 doctors were waiting for me and immediately were swarming around me. it wansnt nerve wracking, but comforting, knowing that all of these people were here just to make sure that i was ok. i then went to the ct scan, which took x-rays. i then went to a room to wait for whatever. they then took be out for more x-rays of my neck, and returned me to the room. after a long wait, they came back with the news that i had a fractured vertebra in my lumbar area, but other than that and the flesh wounds, i was ok. but we had to wait for the surgeon to come and remove my neck brace, which was a long half hour of waiting. and this whole time i had to pee. so, i was released around 7, the event happened around 3:18. i was in the hospital for about 4 hours.
i dunno what happened at school today. apparently mr. yosh called here to see why i wasnt in class. he then told his class what had happened. and somehow it got around. mary called my dad this morning to see how i was. thank you mary.
so here i am, feeling sore and still a little shocked. theres something inside me i need to get out, but i dont know what it is. every once and a while i get jitters, but im getting better. i think ill be at school monday and at my may festival concert this saturday at st. boniface. as for the vertebra, all they can do is let it heal. i dont really feel it, but mabey i will.
all in all, i consider myself damn lucky to have as few injuries as i do. but if i had been a step further, he would have passed me by. but i guess thats life.
apparently he claims that it was my fault. i need to go to the police station to make my statement and read what they have so far. then i guess we'll go from there.
i was listening to whitacre's "when david heard" when it happened. just thought that was so...
o, and another interesting fact: my dad's company has done business for the lady's company who was the primary witness(wright bros. cyclery) and the company of the guy who hit me was one of wright bros.' customers(fulton rigging). strange...