
Aug 09, 2010 00:49

I am making a new, all public (well, hopefully) blog for my year in Spain.

I rreeeaaaaaally need help coming up with a name.
And I know most, if not all, of my friends are terribly witty and clever and pro at doing stuff like this.

Because the only idea I have is from a fingernail polish: "no Spain, no gain"
And that's kinda lame.
Also, considered playing with the raininSpain thing, since I like rain and come from a rainy place. But Seville isn't really rainy. But hey, lookwhat Wikipedia just taught me: 'The Spanish translation of My Fair Lady's phonetic exercise "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" is "La lluvia en Sevilla es una pura maravilla", "The rain in Seville is a pure marvel".'

I need something short-ish, memorable, witty or enlightened, and preferably in English as I'll be handing it out to non-Spanish-speaking friends and family.

And if anyone wants to spiffify the layout, that'd be awesome, too!
It's on blogspot. I already have the account. Haven't created the blog.
Not till I have a name I can commit to!

Also, I'll hopefully be using my youtube channel to post/host videos I take with my camera. I've done a couple tests and my camera is pretty good quality. Youtube username is one word: firstname + first3lettersoflastname. Because I'm unoriginal.

This is my last week of online classes! Hooray! We have less mandatory discussion forums, a few final extra credit ones, and two whole paperssss. Not so hooray...

Once this is over, I plan on reeaaading a lot. I want to finish the Outlander series before I leave the country. Which will be hard because I have two of those books left, and they take a while to get through. Also! Last Hunger Games book comes out this month! Must devour that book--since it's the last--before I leave! And then there's the reading about Spain and Seville that I know I should do, and some Harry Potter books in Spanish to improve my vocabulary--but I can bring those with me.

Also, packing. Holy hell, how does one pack for ten whole months?!
I'm going to run out of pills.
OH. Need to call the insurance company to see how many I can get at once.
AND need to e-mail Children's Child Life Specialist to pseudo-shadow her since shadowing is actually verboten...

I have a bunch more tutoring sessions left, kind of running a blank on what to do. But since I mostly figure something out right before or as we're there... I think I'll be good. I want to give them a project that will last a couple weeks so I know they'll have something to do and so they can see the revision process... But I don't want to give them homework (during summer? blagh!) and I don't want to have to have break of days and days between picking up the project.

Out of the blue, I've just realized something. I've gotten to the point where none of my clothes feel new anymore, so I don't feel cute anymore because I can't have anyone have that first-time reaction of, "oh, that's cuuuute!" Everyone's seen everything. /: Well, that "packing list" did say that variety in one's wardrobe is less important outside of the US.

OH. WAIT. I GET MY NEW PANTS TODAYYY. They'll be done getting hemmed by nowwww. C: I feel better now. THEY ARE THE PERFECTEST PANTS EVER by the ONE BRAND that fits be without needing serious tailoring in the waist/bum. Curse you, back gap.

But still! How does someone pack for a whole year!? I filled up my huge purple suitcase for just over a month when we went to South Africa, and even then I was recycling outfits constantly (as evidenced by photos, yeuch).

My cat is exactly like a baby. If only babies were this easy.
Ohhhh, maannnn. I'm definitely going to be a crazy cat lady.
Also: this.
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