Summer of stress

Jun 26, 2010 00:46

So I've had complications on just about everything I've encountered... and I've definitely ranted about them all enough, so I'm going to leave this place rant-free.

Instead, I'm going over my current career options that I'm considering.

1) Elementary teacher at a bilingual school: This would be awesome because it's what I believe in (multicultural education kind of mumbo-jumbo). But even thinking of planning out different lessons for different subjects for every minute of every schoolday of the whole year freaks me out. And I'm not sure what grade I want to teach. I'm also not so great with big groups. And stressstressstress, I'm building the foundation of not only their intelligence, but their personality, with each action and word. PRESSURE.
1a) Ditto, but at a preschool/child care center instead (there are at least three Spanish bilingual ones in Seattle): less pressure because lessons have less content and it's more about letting the students start building their own identity, gain social skills, public-dealing skills, etc.

2) ESL teacher, preferably in a predominantly Hispanic community: I would get a smaller class size, less subject areas and lessons to cover, closer relationships with students who I would know over their entire elementary career. This one is kind of sounding like the best option, but I'm still a little afraid of two things: a) that some of my students won't be Spanish-speaking and I fear failing them because I won't have the proper strategies, and b) that little kids' minds and futures are still at stake.

3) Child Life Specialist: playing with kids at the hospital. I loooove playing with kids. I wish I could just do that all the time. I asked Dad to talk to the Child Life Specialist at Children's to see if I can shadow her for a day or so. Again, two down points: a) this kids will be seriously sick or maybe dying; I don't know if I can bear to see that... I'm pretty sensitive, and b) I don't know if I can do this with an education degree. BUT these have answers: a) maybe if I work at the new clinic in Bellevue (where I will shadow), I won't have to see the serious, terminal stuff because it's an out-patient place, and b) I can always offer my services as tutor/teacher to keep the kids caught up with their classes during their hospital stays. Having Spanish skills in this career, I think would be a plus, because then I could also do some interpreting work for families. ...Okay, another downside, somewhat related to a: I almost fainted just talking about my cat's surgery and looking at the pre-operation x-ray, and later just from looking at his sutures... I don't know if I'm equipped to work in a hospital environment.

So, in short, Hayley's career path is refining itself further but also confusing itself in said refinement. Hm.
I'm really steering away from mainstream class teacher for elementary school. I'm just not feeling the fit. Thank you, quarter life crisis and terrible professor who gave me a C for my entire class grade just because one section of my final was "weak."
So. Preschool/child care center, ESL, or Child Life Specialist.

Any input at all?
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