NaNoWriMo Daily Progress!
Day Twenty-One
45170 / 50000 words. 90% done!
Yeah, I was out of the house for 12 hours, and when I got home I didn't want to write. I basically finished up the scene I was on, if I remember correctly.
Day Twenty-Two
47600 / 50000 words. 95% done!
It was a late night. I got paid and did my usual running around, and finally got home and watched Doctor Who, which was amazing as always. :D Goofed off, didn't think I'd get much writing done, and then I hit interesting stuff. It's getting closer and closer to the end, which means the pace picks up as we go towards the climax of the story.
Plot-wise, the main character finally gets to talk with the super-secret guild they wanted to talk to, only to realize that -- le gasp! -- that all of the victims were part of it. She then resolves to find the assassin killing them all. She also feels bad because she had to fake an application to see the guild at all, and she used the secondary main character's info, and the two are still not talking. I don't know how they'll become such close friends the way they drive each other crazy.
Day Twenty-Three
50780 / 50000 words. 102% done!
TA-DAAAAA I WIN 8D How awesome am I?? On the same day as last year, meaning that I didn't fall too far behind. Huzzah!
The main character uses some super-awesome magic to track the assassin down! ...only to realize that the feathers belonged to an unrelated party, but the source is what's hiring the assassin to kill the other guild, so the main character goes down to see them. Well, the guys behind everything are crazy powerful...
I won't have any progress to show for the next two days, I'm sure. I'm going to
cheeky_duckie's place to rub my NaNoDome win IN HER FACE to have tasty tasty Thanksgiving dinner. Also, we are going to watch The Last Airbender, and I am going to buy booze, because I'm sure the only way to actually enjoy that movie is drunk*. Also the novelty of buying alcohol hasn't worn off yet.
* Not gonna lie, chances are I won't get drunk.