(no subject)

Nov 20, 2010 23:09

NaNoWriMo Daily Progress!

Day Nineteen

41750 / 50000 words. 84% done!
Finished up the assassination attempt! It was a short magic battle. I need more practical magic spells in this story... the second time the two meet, the fight shall be more epic! The assassin managed to teleport, and I left off with the two main characters meeting up to discuss what'd happened.

Day Twenty

44444 / 50000 words. 89% done!
Ended up doing some word wars with cheeky_duckie. We had some technology failure, but ended up working something out. She beat me the first time by something like 20 words, but during the second one, her son woke up so I won by default. It's not a real victory. :(
Today was just sort of floundering around. Like, I'm not really sure what happens next. It... probably shows. The main character hops from talking with the other main character, to going to the police station to discuss the attack, to back with the other main character for some drama, to back to the police station for a little bit, and then to this place she needs to go, but the people she need to talk to are in hiding...

They'll be action once I decide the order of events. Which means tomorrow! Which will suck. I'm scheduled off at 2 but have to be back at the store at 6:30 for a meeting. If I drove this wouldn't be an issue, but I don't want to walk 45 minutes to get home at about 3 to have to up and leave at 5:30 to make it there by 6:30... So either I go home for a really short amount of time, or stay in the mall and write. The mall will get boring fast. I wonder if the library would be open?

nano, writing

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