Dec 14, 2009 17:45
I enjoy how LJ has to inform me that the item in my profile is indeed a snowflake cookie.
I truly thought I was going to miss my assignment tonight since I got absolutely no sleep last night. Dearest Nikkolaus decided it would be a plan to scratch at my door for no reason all night long. When I let her out, she merely scratched at the door to get back in and vice versa. I'm going to exchange her for Louis I swear. Damn cat. She's lucky I love her.
Speaking of love, the winners of the GRAND COOKIE POLL are Raspberry Snow Bars, Lemon Bon Bons, Flooded Sugar Cookies (watch me fail epically with the frosting) and Cherry Chocolate Cookies. This included the expresso and the meringue cookies will be made later this week for insta-shipping. I am screening comments so do comment with your lovely addresses as to where your cookies may be sent. Also, I am doing cards so even if you don't want cookies, if you wish a card, provide addy as well.