Dec 13, 2009 21:47
I saw my Disney movie. I'm not going to tldr; because I know I will go into cultural impact and why people piss me off and why I think Disney actually did a good job with the cultural aspect of this film with GASP SUBTLETY which all the movie reviewers seem to be confusing with "skirting the issues"... so instead I will talk about what I liked without being spoilerastic. I will forever love Facilier and his song simply because IT'S KEITH FUCKING DAVID. That man could talk-sing me the phone book and I'd be happy. Trufax. Tiana was an awesome character. Her song had amazing animation and is probably the only one I still remember. I am cool with this. That I can walk out of a theater and see little girls with their Princess Tiana accessories is more touching than I expected.
Also, I have to say that Lottie was my favorite character, possibly because she constantly reminded me of Darla Dimple. Unpopular opinion here. I HATE CATS DON'T DANCE. But I love every scene with Darla because she just steals the show. That was definitely Lottie here and I love all the Southern dialects and phrases they managed to work in. The bees' knees is precious. I also like that Lassiter was involved. The man is totally the new Disney. And while the movie is no Disney Renaissance material (which btw started with Rescuers Down Under and not Little Mermaid; it's just that nobody really saw Down Under because watching the original The Rescuers make you want to put a gun to your head), I hope that it encourages a new generation of Disney animation that remembers that shiny technology is shiny but story is what matters.
Oh, then I spent the rest of the night learning about Blue Beetle, watching the French game reviewer on TheGuywithGlasses and watching One Piece AMVs.