Original character meme

Jan 16, 2008 17:36

Oooooh upper_flowers, I got your kitty. She is snuggly. I need to come up with an awesome name for her. I might actually go with Luca since she is a calico just like Lulu's. XD Seriously, that gift surprised me so much since it was like from out of nowhere. Thank you!

Stolen from around
Choose twelve of your original characters in any particular order(NO PEEKING AT THE QUESTIONS AT THIS STAGE!) Then, answer the questions that follow.

1. Dominic (angsty/violent shapeshifter)
2. Lucian (charismatic demon playboy)
3. Erik (sharp-shooting crossdresser)
4. Ty (altruistic esper)
5. Tavores (tragic prince)
6. San (playful werewolf-hybrid)
7. Ari (spoiled werewolf noble/prince)
8. Romulus (11-yr-old werewolf-hybrid/assassin)
9. Casandra (original werewolf-hybrid)
10. Elkin (over-protective werewolf noble/king)
11. Isis (adventurous journalist)
12. Marq (intellectual werewolf/assassin)

1. Who would make a better college prof? 6 or 11?

Definitely Isis because as quick as San is to pick up things, he doesn't have the world's best patience. He does has a fondness for learning though, but his being a wolf makes it difficult for him to master more complicated studies such as math and science. There's also that whole inability to read.

2. Do you think 2 is hot? How hot?

Lucian is killer hot. How could the Guardian of Hell be anything but? Lucian is meant to be the playboy of the story whom everyone wants to nail. He is also a bit of a slut before the story actually starts. Classic pretty boy from hell look.

3. 12 sends 8 out on a mission. What is it? Does he succeed?

This is canon. Marq sends Romulus out on missions all the time since they are partners in crime. It's probably to kill something or to infiltrate some Lycan unit. Romulus easily succeeds and much violence is had by all. Romulus is a pro.

4. What is or would be 9's favorite book?

Unlike her son, Casandra can still read. However, she is also insane. The Hitman's Handbook? I don't know. The Art of War probably.

5. Would it make sense for 2 to swear fealty to 6 or the other way around?

Lucian is kind of eternally sworn to Ty so he's not going to be pledging allegiance to anyone else. San is much more choosing in his service, although he is technically Ari's boy by the start of the story. But San loves humans with potential so I could see him lending his skills to Lucian if the mood struck. Temporarily. If San is anything, he is fickle.

6. For some reason 5 is looking for a roommate. Should he share a studio apartment with 9 or 10?

Hahha I pity whoever gets stuck with emo bitch Tavores. Seeing as Casandra is nuts and tends to go homicidal when she's around people for a long time, I think Tavores would be safer with Elkin. Being a spirit, Tavores really can't be killed so Elkin's whole Lycan transformation bit every full moon shouldn't be a problem. Tavores and Elkin also have similar ideas about life so they should get along. Both being of some high status/nobility should help as well.

7. 2, 7 and 12 have dinner together. Where do they go and what do they discuss?

Lucian, Ari and Marq. Wow. Well, first Lucian and Ari spend several hours arguing over who gets to decide where they go. Marq spends this time wishing he could kill them both and probably plotting to do so while being incredibly polite. Eventually Ari offers Lucian something shiny and he concedes to Ari's choice of some insanely priced French restaurant, where Lucian mocks everything on the menu and tries to talk Marq into buying the most outrageous thing there. If there are discussions, they are along the lines of Ari telling Lucian he is ill-mannered and possibly insane. Lucian would then tell Ari he needs to get laid. Marq will try to make a get-away while Ari is flipping out. It would be nothing short of awesome.

8. 3 challenges 10 to a duel. What happens?

Erik vs. Elkin? It's one messy fight. Werewolf vs. Guardian. Both are especially skilled in combat, and Erik hates to lose to anyone. But if Elkin is fighting for either his pack or Ari, he will probably win. Elkin is also the quicker due to his supernatural abilities. In either case, Erik will get in a fair bit of damaging shots before she goes down.

9.If 1 stole 8’s most precious possession, how would she/he get it back?

Shapeshifting wolf vs. werewolf-hybrid. Fortunately, Rom likes sucking up to people, and Dominic kind of fails when it comes to being vicious to kids for long. Rom would probably wheedle and be cute for a while to get back the item, which would be the collar Marq gave him. Seeing as the collar poses no real threat to anyone, Dominic would probably eventually give in.

10. Suggest a title for a story in which 7 and 12 both attain what they most desire.

Ari and Marq? I have no idea how to combine prestige with family. Sorry.

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 and 1 to work together?

It's easy. Ty would just have to tell Dominic he needs his help. Dominic is canonically inclined to follow Ty's wishes unless they are stupid, although he will be reluctant depending on the situation.

12. If 7 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?

Ari's a bitch so I doubt we'd get along at all. He's also rich so I'd be jealous of him the entire time. I could outsmart him though!

13. If you could command 3 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?

Um... you can't really command Erik. I guess it would be teach me how not to take shit from people.

14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 11?

I only get fanarts for Psychosis, but Isis is pretty hot in her faux-Egyptian style so I'd fully encourage it.

15. If 2 had to choose sides between 4 and 5, which would it be?

Lucian would canonically chose Ty over Tavores. Tavores and him don't always get along, and Lucian adores Ty. Besides, Lucian is bound to Ty for life and fated to take out anything that places Ty in danger. It would be hard though since Tavores and Lucian share the same body...

16. What might 10 shout while charging into battle?

If he's changing into battle, he's probably howling or telling them to stay the hell away from his brother.

17. If you chose a song to represent 8, which song would you choose?

Dude, I have no idea what song represents an 11-year-old who takes out Lycans with his master. I'll think on this and answer it later.

18. 1, 6, and 12 are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?

Dominic, San and Marq. San wins because he can easily kick everyone else's ass. Plus, he's the youngest and can play on sensitivities. Dominic doesn't care enough to fight for food and Marq has better things to worry about.

19. What might be a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10?

Lucian to Elkin? HAHAHHA. "I'm into fur." I think I'm going to hell for that one.

20. What would 5 most likely be arrested for?

Well, Tavores has murdered a countless amount of people. I'll let you guess.

21. What is 6’s secret?

San is a wealth of secrets. The easiest is that he is not the passive teenager many see him as and can, in fact, kick the ass of any human that lives.

22. If 11 and 9 were racing to a destination, who would get there first?

Casandra easily beats Isis since werewolf-hybrids are naturally more athletically skilled than either humans or Lycans. Though Isis is fairly fit.

23. If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?

Oh I'd so rather be with Romulus. Ari can sometimes fight but not so good without San. Romulus loves fighting and will protect me just so he can injure something.

24. 1 (Dominic) and 9 (Casandra) reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by 4’s (Ty) sinister secret organization. 11 (Isis) volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that he is actually a spy for 4. Meanwhile, 4 has kidnapped 12 (Marq) in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of 5 (Tavores), they seek out 3 (Erik), who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What title would you give this story?

... Ty being the leader of a sinister organization just broke my brain. I cannot answer this question.

life, heritage, psychosis

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