Happy Valentine's Day =]

Feb 14, 2009 19:35

I love you because you’re one of my best friends.
I love you because you always listen to me.
I love you because you always tell me what I need to hear even if it’s not what I want to hear.
I love you because you can bring a smile to my face no matter what kind of day I’m having.
I love you because you can be just as silly and random as I can.
I love you because you can put up with all my crazy bipolar mood swings.
I love you because of all the random little facts you tell me as crazy as they might be.
I love you because you’re always honest with me.
I love you because you don’t mind me being the tease that you first met all those years ago. =P
And I’m not gonna lie there’s like a million more reasons but I’m being my usual lazy self and not typing them out. =]

I love you, Joseph Regis Horne IV. Happy Valentine’s day baby!
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