Feb 14, 2009 19:32
that you probably already know lol. It was supposed to be the 25 random things from facebook, but I have a feeling it’s gonna be a bit more than 25.
So to start out with the basics…
1. I’m a gator! And I love the University of Florida!
2. My favorite color is blue.
3. My favorite number is 2.
4. I’m a Christmas baby! My birthday is the day before Christmas. And I'm 18 years old!
5. I have two sisters and a half-sister [so really three lol] and I love ‘em to death even if they can annoy me to no end.
6. I’m an organized mess.
7. My favorite animals are tigers and wolves. I’m addicted to animal planet. =]
8. I’m beyond impatient.
9. I’m catholic.
And now the rest of the stuff…
10. I want to learn a bunch of different languages and actually be able to hold a conversation in them. I feel like I have no time to learn them though…at least not right now. I would love to marry someone who speaks more than one language so my children will grow up speaking/understanding multiple languages.
11. I would love to be a permanent student. Where I don’t have to declare a degree or a major or anything like that and I could just take all the classes that I enjoy no matter how random they may be.
12. I don’t want to work. That’s not to say that I want to sit on my butt all day and do nothing though. I would love to spend all my time with my family and volunteering, especially if it could be with animals. I would love to start my own shelter for abused/abandoned animals, though I’m not sure I’d be able to give any of them away.
13. On that note, when I was little I used to tell my parents that I wanted to own a farm - though when I think about it, it was more of a zoo. I used to have the whole thing planned out in my head. Where I wanted all the different pens and everything. I had a pretty vivid imagination haha.
14. I want to have three kids. Three boys to be more exact. I’m not sure why three or why boys but that seems to be the way I like it. Everyone tells me I should want at least one girl, but I think I’d be perfectly happy with my boys. But I’m sure I’ll be happy with whatever I get lol.
15. I would love to adopt kids too. I want to adopt the older kids though. Everyone tells me that I should because they cause more problems, but those are the ones I would want.
16. I LOVE reading! I wish I had more time for it though. It’s one of my favorite things to do and lately I feel like I have no time to read. Losing myself in a book is my way of relaxing.
17. My books are like my babies. I’m very particular about my books and the condition they’re in. And I plan to have a library in my house. It’s going to be like the library in Beauty and the Beast… okay realistically probably not but it would be ideal. Thinking about it makes me so happy! =]
18. I’m terrified of putting myself in a relationship because I’m scared things might change and it won’t last. Not to say that I won’t put myself in a relationship, it just kinda freaks me out. I’m willing to take the risk, just scared to death at the same time. I don’t think love comes easy, nothing good ever does. It takes work on the part of both people. Love’s not perfect, but it’s the imperfections that can make it wonderful.
19. I always wanted to go into medicine. When I was little I wanted to be a vet and then after that moved on to wanting to be a doctor. My dad never thought it was a good idea because he wanted me to have a life. Now that I’m here actually taking the classes and everything I’m not really sure this is what I want. I hate the classes and everything that I’m taking now.
20. I want to find something that I love doing. I want to enjoy going to work. I don’t want it to be a chore or something I dread every morning when I wake up.
21. So I think university has helped me to figure out who my true friends are. I’m not gonna lie. It definitely sucked knowing that people you were best friends with don’t think your relationship is worth the effort of keeping. And the more times it happens the harder it is to pick yourself back up and move forward.
22. I have a hard time opening up to people. I realize it may not seem that way to some people because of how easily I spill everything to them but it’s true. The number of people who actually know a lot about me is very limited. I think I’m just scared of putting too much of my trust in people because of how many times I’ve been hurt because of it before.
23. I love having a huge family. Things never get boring and you always have someone that you can hang out with. I hope I stay close to my family so that my children can have the same experience of growing up with not only their siblings but their cousins as well. It makes things so much more fun.
24. One of my pet peeves is when people don’t look at me when I’m talking to them. I feel like they’re not paying any attention to me, which usually isn’t true but still. I’ll usually wait until someone is looking at me before I continue with my story.
25. I tend to tell people what they don’t necessarily want to hear. If they’re in an argument I’ll usually give them the other person’s point of view, which they don’t usually appreciate. I hate having the favor returned though. I don’t want to hear what the other person is thinking even if I usually need to. I guess it’s hypocritical but whatever… I think everyone is hypocritical in some manner.
26. I have a texting problem. Nothing makes me happier than when I get a text from one of my friends. I used to text non-stop but I think I’ve made some improvements there. =]
27. I can sometimes come off as a bitch when you first meet me. I’m trying to work on it.
28. I’m addicted to flair! I think it’s the best application on facebook. And I kinda think JR should get one just so I can send him flair even though I know he won’t haha.
29. I enjoy traveling. Love it actually. I wish I could just travel the world. My list of places I would like to go keeps growing all the time.
30. I have this stuffed animal that I’ve had since I was born. His name is King. He’s all faded now and part of one of his ears is bitten off cuz of my dog, but I love him still. I used to carry him around nonstop with me. I have pictures of me when I was like four helping to wash the car and I have a sponge in one hand and King in the other hand.
31. I love Disney. Probably not as much as my roommate but I still love it. Disney songs and movies are awesome! =]
32. I will almost always be either wearing a hoodie or a jacket. And I love flipflops. I wear them like all the time no matter what kind of weather it is.
33. I’m an extremely picky eater. I wish I was more adventurous when it comes to trying new things.
34. So I sometimes wish we could see ourselves through the eyes of other people. Especially through the eyes of someone who loves us. They see so many things in us that we seem to miss all the time.