Nov 25, 2011 11:19
Slept through Black Friday this year.
With the impending job loss, and no real need for anything in particular, I opted to skip the holiday madness and sleep in. (This was particularly nice since I was up just before 6 am yesterday making pie crust).
Now, after catching up on sleep, I have several things that MUST get done today. As much as I'd love to sloth around for the next three days, there is a lot of stuff that needs to get done and no better opportunity will come around for a while.
So the goals for Black Friday:
1. Wash dishes. (not a biggie)
2. Load of laundry washed and dried
3. Go into work and feed cells. (probably would have been better if I managed to get there before ten to four.
4. Apply for jobs (while at work). Technically only sort of done. I sorted through the last 30 days of research postings at Other University. Found one good listing that is a stretch, and three that I'm less qualified for (but more in the sense that they are in research areas outside my experience). All postings were for technician jobs. Also updated my online profile in the job system and changed my references. (Must email older references and see who is willing to keep referencing. Am tempted to drop Old Thesis Adviser to put in B and keep Other Professor on Committee, but mainly because he is also New Collaborator at my current-but-fleeting job, so I've been in touch with him more recently. Opinions?)
5. Organize clothes: reorganize dresser and closet, bag up clothes that no longer fit for charity, take stock of clothing that does fit.
6. Scrub down bathroom.
7. Scrub down kitchen.
8. Return library books.
9. Update info for Friends of Library
10. Reorganize books.
Somehow I suspect I'll only get 2-3 done but applying for jobs is a must.