Mar 19, 2010 01:49
I remember once, in Воркута́, zere vas a wery clewer Wulcan.
Ve get a shipment, six maybe sewen of them, fresh from vhere-ewer they ship them in from. Wulcan, if zere are any left zere. Unlike the others, he does not vait for veeks and veeks until he is dead and dying to make his escape. Ewen now, I am not certain if his plan vas stupid or fucking brilliant.
Sree days, he vaits only sree days after he arriwes. On the sird afternoon, нет even night, in the middle of the afternoon, he steals horse right out from benease us, guard coats and boots, and flee into Urals. By the time ve notice he is gone, it is wery dark and wery, wery cold.
Vhat happen is, he flee in middle of second week, декабрь. Moon is blacked out by clouds, ground is hard frozen, has been for mons, and ewen подкова, they shiwer.
Vell, they come to me, call Паща, Паща, пойдите найдите Vulcan, but the air is fucking frozen. I go to out wall, vere compound ends and gate just hang open. Hawen't needed it and the horses attract bears, volves, make for easy, varm fur. It start to snow, so hard zat I cannot see my own fingers past my nose. I go out in this, I fucking die, horse fucking die, trees maybe fucking die.
If Wulcan were smart, he vould bury himself in varm place, vait this out. Maybe he ewen escape, make it to Ob, make it somevhere varmer vhere peasants not care about fucking alien and newer know he slave.
Is good plan, too bad it vas at terrible time. I stand for maybe half hour, vatching and vasting time, vhen I see shape of person vandering close through fog and snow. No horse, just one person, shiver and hunch. Moon crack through the clouds and I see, it is Wulcan come stumbling back, bleeding green eweryvhere. Looks black in dark, but ewerysing look black on snow.
I sink to myself it is shame to fail such good plan and hawe to stumble back. Cold is miserable vay to die. I throw a knife and it land straight in his eye, drop him to the snow like a banked fish. He flop and then still. Vhile I valk to get knife back before it rust and I freeze my чуи off, I sink to myself:
Vas it good plan? Did he sink this srough? Steal best, freshest horse, best coat, best boots for cold, and ride out before storm breaks to keep us from follow...vere these intentional? Or vas accident?
Is impossible it all accidents. But, perhaps he had sought it srough, and not known about the vinter storms, the sudden cold, the vinter starwed volves zat wander hills in dark. Perhaps he had rushed in vith good plan zat vas not complete, not good enough.
I vent to see Security Chief today.
Vhat is name, I can newer recall. Some fucking cowboy, vorthless mass of muscle.
I had to trade him, let him fuck me to get vhat I vanted. Security has alvays been cheap, especially since he cannot force me vithout losing his sroat. Vhen I offer it, they vill do anysing, at least qvietly. For Kept'in, I vill do this sing, ewen if he vas all fucking slab of hands and stink of security sveat.
Funny, but make my life easier in long run. Maybe I still kill him anyvay, vhen I am done vith this task.
He giwe me clearance for the tapes data. I cannot search sickbay, is secured by doctors, but I can vatch the rest of the ship. Kirk is smart, drag McCoy vith him, ewen down to Engineering.
I vill hawe to pay a wisit to Mister Scott.
Maybe Kirk vill realize he is Wulcan in snowstorm. They newer remember how bitter Vinter is, and the bitterest Vinter is in родина.
personal log,
fucking cowboys,
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