Last week when it snowed, I foolishly thought it might be the last one of the season. As such, I told the boys they'd better suit up and enjoy it - and they did. The following picture is from Feb. 25th:
Jack and A.J. - geared up and ready to go.
They've both gotten real good at grabbing their all their snow gear quickly and putting it on. "Play jeans," two pairs of socks, snow boots, snow bib overalls, gloves/mittens, hats and heavy jackets - it's down to a science in this house. On this particular day, though, I was amused to see that both boys had grabbed their knit hats from Grammy at Christmastime. A special orange Wheaties® one for Jack (of course), and a nifty Green Bay Packers one for A.J. (his favorite team).
And so I had to take a picture of them. :-)
And speaking of snow, we've had a time in it today. I drove Jack to a birthday party out on 90th Street, and the subdivision out there looked as if it had hardly been plowed. It was a mess, and the van high-centered for a brief moment, even. I did NOT want to go back and get him two hours later, but I couldn't very well leave him there until spring either. ;-)
After we got back home, the boys played outside in the snow for a few hours until sunset. They asked the neighbor girls out to play, and I gave them all a juice break after about an hour. They had a great time and got all hot and sweaty, while the sleeves of their snowsuits were busy becoming solid ice - really!
I took pictures of this too. :-) Oh, but I haven't even downloaded them from the camera yet.
Once they shed their snow gear, I piled them into the van and we set off to Wal*Mart to get bags. Sandwich bags, gallon bags, small trash bags - you name it, we needed it. We also picked up more printer paper, more tape and more milk. Not a very fun trip, but it was all stuff that we needed. We stopped in for haircuts afterwards, only to find the place was already closed - boo!
On the way home, we watched the last ten minutes or so of the lunar eclipse. Once in the door, we Google'd more information about the lunar eclipse, as the boys had lots of questions that I wasn't sure how best to answer. We had just finished "smartening" ourselves up when Philip called, and we all talked to him on the speakerphone for about three minutes. The boys asked him if he'd seen the total eclipse, knowing that he was in Asia and had the best viewing possibilities. He had, and that was neat to hear about. Then he had to go very abruptly, so we said goodbyes.
And now it's time for dinner. We're having a really labor-intensive meal here: fish sticks, corn-on-the-cob, green beans and Jell-o. Hey, it's what they picked for their "fun" meal tonight, and I'm not complaining!