I talked to him leaving the ship Friday at around 1900. Not an hour later he was dead. It is unreal, the frailty of the human body. And this man was strong. He could have been a Navy Seal. I remember finding out about it coming in after running a few miles Saturday morning
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18 year olds aren't meant to die. I see their faces every week in my Navy Times magazine and I know... they aren't supposed to die.
If humanity ever decides to stop trying to kill itself, we may be in for a great next hundred years. If not, we may not be around to see the next hundred years.
It certainly has been a while since I've posted anything of substance. I never feel like I have anything constructive to put out to the world. Sometimes I do use this to put out things that I'm feeling as a way to vent what I consider a weakness. By putting it out for the "world" to see I don't allow it to build inside. This demon I'm about to
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Hello from Japan, those few that still read any of this. Not much time. Just got in from Nagasaki. Don't know where I'm heading next. I'll let you know when I get there.
Singapore was awesome too. I'll get some pictures when I can.
Hello folks. No real time, so I'll sum it all up: Got underway. Went to Hawaii. Almost hit Guam. Now I'm out doing what I came out to do. And I can't tell you what or where. Really.
I just (finally) bought Stadium Arcadium. I was hesitant with the price tag, but once I reasoned to myself that it was essentially two albums
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Got the new AFI decemberunderground album and the Tool 10,000 days album about 2 days ago. Haven't stopped listening since. Forgot to mention that in my last post.