Jul 16, 2008 14:48
I have a kitteh, an iPod playing Sherwood, and strange hair that won't do anything but get in my face. I'm sitting here, bouncing to the beat, wiping cat hair from the keyboard, and wishing I could play guitar. I could, you know. My dad I guess could teach me. But I don't think I'd do well on stage in front of many people, though I've been told I look comfortable in front of groups. Ha, what a lie. I'm practically shaking out of my shoes when in that situation.
I really want my mom to stop stressing out over the computer. Yeah, college stuff, but it's like watching someone throw a hissy fit over something that can be helped. (weird moment: seconds after I typed that, she said she was done with her 'hissy fit.' we have to stop mind-melding)
-belch- Pardon me.
So, you're probably wondering what the point of this is so far. There is none! I'm just terribly bored. I should probably read more Death Note on that site. But I really like sitting in a corner, reading a physical book. Oh wells.
Last night's dreams were cool. I could control a lot of things, like my outfit, or some of my environment. Haven't been able to do that in awhile. Also, there was a great moment when I stepped out onto a street at nightish time. Every time I see that beautiful street, it's always after it rained. Streetlights are on, and everything is just peaceful. I love my mind. :D
Except for the creepy parts. >.> Those can be a bit extreme at times.
And I want to galavant with my characters, dammit. Where are you guys?
Dude, my cousin just had her baby, and it's a girl. O_o No idea what her name is. I never see Gabe, and he's like, three. What a close-knit family we are.
I better see this little gift from above before she gets to be three. Gabe was only fascinated with me when he was really little. I'd make him smile just by looking at him. Now, he's uninterested.