Jul 15, 2008 12:49
Or at least people are. So, lately, problems have been rising to the surface that really aren't anything new. And the worst part? Nothing can really be done about most of them. (how terribly vague this is going to be)
You want to go after the people who are hurting them, but you haven't heard their side.
You want to find out all the facts, but then you'd be involving yourself, and the last thing we need to add to the situation is more people.
You want to do something about it instead of sitting back, but what else is there to do?
Personally, about everything that's going on, the same thing can be said: I don't know enough. I can't draw solid conclusions. Loyalties are being skewed, emotions are running rampant. It's like being in the eye of the storm. I don't want to be sucked in, but I wish it would go away.
On a happier note, last night was incredibly fun. Four people, two destinations, and a night of laughter. I love being the loudest group no matter where we go, while talking about things that no one around us would be able to understand. It's fantastic, and I really think we should do that again very, very soon.
Afterwards, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning reading the first two books of Death Note. It. Is. BRILLIANT.
My lord, I thought it was just another overly-hyped Naruto phase, but it's just so good. Plot twists, intricate character interaction, and the art is just amazing. Details details everywhere, and I want to get the third one but B&N doesn't have it. DX<
Gah. So, today will be interesting. Not sure what I'm doing, but no matter what, something's going to happen.