Fourth Post of 2007!

Jun 27, 2007 21:59

It just occurred to me that I've only updated three times this year. Three times! Not only that, only one post had substantial content. I'm going to try and write more often. I hate feeling so far behind; there's so much I have to tell. The past few months have been pretty awesome.

I'm cat-sitting for canyoncat this week, which is always an enjoyable experience. The girls have been very well behaved, and Bandit's appetite has been better than usual, which makes me job a lot easier. I don't know what possessed me to update from Bob's house tonight, but now that I'm typing, I feel better. It's so quiet here, well besides the rumbling of the central air in the boiler room, an Ashley meowing at me occasionally (she's such a little drama queen). I've been meaning to update for a long time, but when I get out of the habit, it's really hard for me to start up again. Tonight's the night, I guess. My writing is always better when I'm writing on a regular basis, and because I'm taking several writing classes in the fall, I had better start keeping up with my journal again.

There's no neat and organized way for me to do this in a short amount of time, so I'm just going to write and see what comes out.

Friday morning, I walked the length of Nantasket Beach from H Street to the Ocean Club Restaurant. It took me about an hour each way, and it was probably the best thing I've done for myself in a long, long time. My ghostly white skin got a little bit of color, so maybe now the old lady customers will stop telling me I look flushed. There's something about the ocean that makes me incredibly happy. It was payday that day, which is normally the branch's Chinese takeout day, but I had no urge to consume anything not good for me. I carried my purple flip-flops in my hand as I walked in the surf; the waves lapped at the hems of my olive colored capris and the wet sand oozed between my toes. I know that I take it for granted; sometimes I forget how amazing it is to live so close to the Atlantic. As I walked, I thought about everything going on in my life right now, and I was able to figure some stuff out.

I thought about my job and what it'll be like to leave. I gave my notice at Sovereign a little over a week ago to Melody (who was recently promoted to branch manager!), and truthfully, I'm absolutely terrified. As of August 14th, I will no longer be a banker. It's not that I don't like my job, because that's so far from the case. The hours don't work with the busy schedule I will have come September. I took an internship in for the next two semesters-- I will be one of the editors for theBridge, BSC's highly acclaimed literary journal. Dr. Walker offered me the position, and I didn't think twice before accepting. I'm excited to be working with some of my school's best writers and artists, but I'm also scared as hell that I'll fuck something up. In addition to the journal internship, I'll be working in the writing center as a consultant. My job will be helping other students with their writing-- making suggestions on how to improve their papers, that sort of thing. I'm really looking forward to my new job, but I'm worried that I won't be very good at it. The only tutoring I've ever done was for my sisters, and it's been awhile since I've helped them with their writing. I'm leaving a job that I've been at for almost five years, and that's so scary to me. I've enjoyed my stint as a banker, and I'll miss my job. I'll miss my customers. I'll miss my coworkers. But I'm going to do it. It's time.

I'll probably go back to Shaw's a couple days a week, if I have time. I'm not even sure yet, but I was told if I ever wanted to go back, all I would have to do is ask.

One of the highlights of the spring semester was that my story about Tippy was published in theBridge. It just may have been my proudest moment. I still get e-mails every now and then from strangers who want to give their condolences and tell me how my story moved them. The response has been amazing. My mother took home a whole box of journals to give out to our family and friends. Dad finally read it, and instead of being upset with me like I thought he would be, he gave me a huge hug and started to cry. "I've never been so proud of you," he told me. "This must have been so hard to write." Over the past couple of months, my parents have given out nearly all the journals. By the way, If you want to read my story, you can download volume 4 on theBridge website. I'm on page 87. If you want me to send you a copy, I could do that, too. The entire journal is worth reading-- all the stories and artwork are fantastic.

After much thought, I decided to change my major from Psychology to a double major in Psychology and English, with a concentration in writing. So now, instead of graduating spring 2008, I'll graduate (hopefully) spring 2009. This is okay with me. I love Bridgewater, and I don't mind sticking around a little longer. I'm going to apply for the Bridgewater-at-Oxford program for real later this fall. After Mel told me she wouldn't approve my time off before I turned in my application, I decided not to send it. I wish I had. I'd probably be getting ready to go England right now if I had gone through with it. And yet another reason I'm so ready to get out of Sovereign.

I've got to go upstairs and get ready for bed, but I just want to sum up this post with this statement: I'm happy right now. I can't say that I'm the happiest I've ever been, but I'm pretty content with where I am at the moment.

Hopefully there will be more posts in the near future, but don't hold me to it.

school, thebridge, cat-sitting, bsc, writing, sovereign, update

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