New Year in New Zealand

Jan 06, 2006 18:22

Wah...I've totally not been keeping up with the whole diary thing since I started my trip. I've been so caught up in all the natural and cultural beauty of this nation that I've been occupied. The weather hasn't been the best from what I'm told, but coming from a place where it's below's nice. Lots of sun and lots of being outside.

I spent 2 and a half days out in the country south of Auckland to see David's parents. Their little 7 acre plot is like a little kid's dream. Bush and a stream and lots of animals and plants. Essentially it's the type of house and plot I've always dreamed of. It's quiet and the wind in the grass does look like waves. It's so serene. They had kitties out there too which made me feel like home. David's parents really liked me too which is rare for girls he brings home I'm told.

My new years was rather passive as well. Melissa, Gareth, David and I went to Thai food where we finished nearly two bottles of wine and then went home to wait for Shanita and Patrick so we could go out to a bar for drinks. Shanita though wasnt' too happy with Patrick and it took a bit of coaxing to get her to come with us. I think she just wanted to see me but in the end, I think she was glad because we got along really well. The bar though was teeny. Just a little corner shop. We got really mean and tied balloons to Gareth's pants so when he had to go to the toilet (That's what they call it down here), they ended up following him and getting stuck in the door. We were under the sky tower, which is a whole lot like the Space Needle so we got to see the fireworks. It was really low key but nice at the same time. I took my first taxi too! XD I feel so backwater =3

What else have I done while I've been here? Oh yeah...we went to Spookers last night. It's an old insane asylum that they've turned into a haunted house, the kind you'd see only during Halloween but it's really well done. Patrick and David were just as scared as Shanita and myself. They even had a trek through the woods behind the asylum which was even worse. I totally broke down into hysterics at the end with the guy with the chainsaw...jebus christmas...they kept touching you and ugh....just creepy. I have a great picture too that I'll scan, totally explains everyone's disposition. Patrick being staunch, Shanita nagging him, I look like I'm crying and David just looks like the funny man. He's so cute =3 We were having a nice cup of coffee waiting for it to get a little bit more dark and this guy wearing the Michael Myers mask snuck up and grabbed him through the window. So freakin' funny to see this 6'2" kiwi scream like a girl =3

Then today, David and I went to the Museum in Auckland which is probably the biggest museum I've ever been in. I definately got thrown into the whole Maori history which I'd only known about really through movies like Whale Rider and maybe a page in history class. For some reason though, all the phallic symbols were either removed or covered up....I really didn't think they were that conservative there...specially with how much people walk around practically naked in our flat. There was also an exibit about Leonardo Divinici with working models of some of his drawings which was neat. It just was really crowded so we went to the natural history side. I know you learn a little bit about island and tropical fish and animals but when you're looking at taxidermy birds and fish face to face, you realize how far away from your natural habitat you are.

I wonder how easy it'll be for me to come back and get my citizenship in a few months. No more salmon and bears and cougars and snakes...I'd be giving it up for birds...and birds....oh yeah and more birds XD
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