I posted this on my other blog, but thought maybe the information might be helpful to someone here as well. If anything else, maybe it will curb the whole "Any Recovering Soldier" mail...
So here's the deal. If you send a card to Any Recovering Soldier, it will never, ever, get where it would do some good. Please don't fall for that hoax.
Instead, send them here:
Holiday Mail for Heroes by the Red Cross OR perhaps you'd like to donate funds - there are lots of good places to donate funds, but since the title is Service Members, here are three related to that...
Fisher House - Kind of like Ronald McDonald houses, but for military families and
Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society And
The USO - they do more than you think! If you have links to Army/Air Force/ Coast Guard relief societies, please let me know.
Now, off to figure out where the tree is going this year....