Nov 06, 2005 09:15
went to the wildcats game lastnight and boy was that a disapointment! i thought well concidering i went last year and i love basketball that the game would be better than last years, hay boy was i wrong! i swear i almost feel asleep! i have never been to a more boringa bsaketball game in my life!
yesterday in the city was a load of shit! the only reason i went in there was to see jarad,and being at boarding school i had to take someone so bobie and bianca offered to come. by the time we got in there and stuffd around for a litttle while, bobie and bianca wanted to go to fremantel, me i personaly didnt want to go because i knew i wouldnt end up spending that much time with jarad. but i went anyways to keep them happy. so we went had lunch and came back to the city.
once we got back we all then meet up with jarad and just hanged out a bit before biacna and bobie went to go and get some rock candy and thinking id be a five minute thing jarad and i waited for them to come back. half and hour later jarad and i went to go look for em, after walking a block, we then meet up with them.
bobie and bianca had returned with the "im to good for you" attitude and were totaly ignoring me when i went to talk to them. jarad noticed it was shitting me off and took a few light slags at them. then bianca and bobie decided to go to a phone shop, me and jarad not having any say in the matter followd and waited yet again for them. another 15mins past and getting impatient jarad and i left for the bus stop and sat on the grass, pondering about what theyd be bitching about to one another, jarad guess it was mostly him. me i recond itd be me.
by the time the girls returned i had my head phones in and had enough with thier "i dont care" attitude towards jarads and mine hospitality. bianca attemptd to talk but i couldnt be botherd and watchd bobie adn biacna go and sit on the church fence to wait for the bus and shortly after joning them was faith and megan. again with the group all looking up to wear me and jarad were sitting on the grass we sharpy assumed that the girls being any girls were doing wat they do best bitching!
soon after the bus arrived and i had to leave jarad, hmm so sad :( after only spending a massive total of 2 hours with the guy of my fucking long day with the girls i had to leave. so i sat by myself on the bus with my head pones on as loud as they could go playing marlin manson and superhiest. continuing with my evil angery mood i went to get off the bus onyl to be interupted by a petty text from biacna saying "shaahni dont be mad at us"!
ha dont be mad! well lest just see, you made mee look like i had shit arse friends infront of my cuzn in witch is god to me!, draged me out to freo and watsed 2 hours of time inwithc i could of spent with jarad, inwitch thats wat i came to the city to do! and thridly acted like total bitches to me and my cuzn in witch we did nothing wrong and wated for you to do your crap, just like we always do!
i went to the deli to go and get some money out for basketball and then walked back to boarding. then bianca arrived in my room to try and sort things out. she startd with the " i dont know wat ur talking about" and then went to the "suck arse" before leaving my room. at lest she had the balls to come and sort shit out. bobie i had to go and confront. again with the "i dont know wat ur talking about" to the "im sorri i smart arsly apolagise and dont mean it" to me leaving the room sick with her shit and a yell of "fuck off shaahni" before she ran into emmas room to yet again bitch about me!
whoo dont i feel like ms center of attention today :)
after that i went to bed because it was something like 11pm. so yeha and thats my shitta of a day yesterday! well im off to go and have breakfast!