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Subject: Birthdays and such (Collie)
Date: Mon, 09 November 1998 04:07 AM EST
From: PrlUnicorn
Message-id: <>
Collie had been waiting in the Red Dragon for a few minutes. She ordered two glasses of wine in anticipation of Judas's arrival. It was her birthday. It was perhaps silly to celebrate such a thing after 480 years, but somehow she felt it was at least a good thing to have a drink and be glad of what she had.
She heard a tapping sound behind her, when she turned the sight that met her eyes gave her a reason to be thankful, it was Judas. He was walking.. by God.. he was walking. She left the drinks on the bar and embraced him. "Hello doll," he whispered, "Happy early birthday." She held him close to her and kissed his lips. He was right on time.. it wasn't long after midnight, but this was likely the best thing she could have gotten. Judas was walking. Her eyes misted, pure joy filled her heart. He needed to leave to tend to business. She followed him home.
She hadn't told him, but a few days before she'd had a dream of Judas walking with Rachael holding on to his fingers with her tiny hand.
Collie left Judas to his work and slipped off to bed to write a few letters, the first of which was to Tex Hickock in regard to the stables. Mount Olympus Stables were now his, free and clear.
She drifted off to sleep, but it was not peaceful.
Subject: Re: Birthdays and such (Collie)
Date: Tue, 10 November 1998 11:58 PM EST
From: PrlUnicorn
Message-id: <>
She awoke from her sleep, feeling awkward and perhaps just plain miserable and quite unattractive.
Collie went out for a bit, finding herself in the Red Dragon with a scotch in her hand. She had full intentions of getting smashed and giving the baby a bottle instead of nursing him that night. It was then that Judas arrived and the drink was left sitting on the bar.
Post natal depression is a terrible thing sometimes and often new mothers will say things they don't really mean. She whispered something into Judas's ear and found his good mood fading into anger. Outside of the inn angry words were spilled on both sides, but in the end.. love prevailed and both saw that each would defend the other, even from themself.
Subject: Re: Birthdays and such (Collie)
Date: Thu, 12 November 1998 12:36 AM EST
From: PrlUnicorn
Message-id: <>
Anyone that had seen them the night before wouldn't know they were the same couple that left the inn the previous night. Collie was safely nestled in Judas's protective embrace with him curled about her and their son rested in her arms.
Collie slipped into a dream that became a nightmare. She awoke shuddering with a sheen of sweat on her forehead.
Subject: Re: Birthdays and such (Collie)
Date: Wed, 25 November 1998 02:34 PM EST
From: PrlUnicorn
Message-id: <>
Weeks had passed since Collie had awakened from a nightmare that shook her to the core. Events in the last few days made her understand the why and wherefore of it.
She wrote to Mars Quinn to get the papers settled for Mount Olympus stable, but hadn't heard from him. Her gutt told her that Apollo Maran wasn't dead, but for the sake of her children, she kept her mouth shut. If she could keep them protected, she would dig further, but there was little hope of that.
The appearance of what looked like Draven Altruis in the arena had her in mild shock. She didn't understand if it was him... why he walked right past her. Her instincts told her that he wasn't the man she had loved, no, still loved in her truest heart. Collie's back was up and that was a bad thing. She tended to retreat from much activity when her thoughts were centered on something. Whoever this person was, Collie felt sorry for them when she exposed them for the fraud she believed them to be.