Groves returning to the Indy

Oct 12, 2006 20:20

OOC: um. If any of you saw/see this in my own journal, it's because I was being dumb earlier today and forgot to switch the "post to" drop down menu. *headdesk* So here it is for you proper.

... and I just did it again YARGH.

After leaving Aubrey and Kennedy talking, Groves can barely contain himself as he hurries to the side of the ship and scrambles down to the boat Sparrow, Kennedy, and he had left when they rowed over. He declines when the midshipman above him offers to row him over.

The rowing seems to take forever, and before he thinks it should, the boat bumps against the side of the Indefatigable. Without thinking about it, the movements being second nature, he scurries up and over, feet landing lightly on the deck. A quick scan along the deck shows that Gillette is still out here, a scowl and tense shoulders the only difference in demeanor.

Coming up to the man, he throws an arm around his shoulders. "Why the long face, Andrew?"
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