Prompt Fic: Happiness Lost

Mar 12, 2007 22:11

Happiness Lost

By nautika

Summary:  A conversation between Aragorn and Faramir after the war.  Tissue warning?

Rated:  K+


Disclaimer:  Not mine, wouldn’t know what to do with them if they were.  Not for profit fiction.

Author's Note:  Written for the OAA Prompt #1 "Lost".  OAA Prompts are 500 words or less.

Happiness Lost

“Mellon nin?”

Faramir became aware of two things.  First, his king had found him brooding again - something he did far too often of late.  Second, his face was wet with tears.  Hastily, he averted his face from the king and ran a handkerchief over it.

“Forgive me.  I allowed my mind to wander.”

“There is nothing to forgive.  You were thinking of Boromir?”

“Yes, and my parents.  I felt it was time I pushed past feeling their loss.  Too long have I dwelt on the unfairness of how long and hard my brother and father fought for peace only to be taken away before it arrived.  I wished to comfort myself by confronting the knowledge they believed Gondor was worth dying for and that Boromir, at least, died with honor.  While my father’s death was…horrible, I made myself acknowledge that he is now experiencing a peace he did not know in my lifetime.”

“Faramir?”  Aragorn’s hand was on his shoulder.  The younger man turned to face his friend and realized the face of his king was blurred by tears.  He blushed with shame.

“What troubles you, mellon nin?”  The king and his Steward had become close as they worked together in these days of peace.  Days which were long and demanding, but satisfying.  Aragorn knew, and had made sure Faramir knew, that he could not have done it without the younger man’s support and friendship.  There was nothing they could not say to each other.  Faramir’s troubles were his.

“I realized they are together now beyond the veil and I am glad for them.  My parents are finally reunited and Boromir is with them.”  Faramir faltered and Aragorn spoke.

“You are not alone, Faramir.  You have Eowyn, your uncle and cousins and many friends who care for you.”

“I know and I am grateful.”  He gifted Aragorn with a watery smile.  “But I realized that my father is happier than he has ever been.  Far happier than he would be if I were also there.  They are a family.”

“Boromir loved you deeply.”

“I know it.  And my mother loved the little boy I was when she left us.  But she would not know me now.  It is a terrible thing, Aragorn, to know that when I join them, much of their happiness will be lost.”

Aragorn pulled his Steward to him, hoping he would draw comfort from the embrace, but remained silent.  As much as he wished to dispute it, he was all too afraid what Faramir said was true.


lotr, fanfiction, prompt, aragorn, nautika, faramir

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