London 2013 (Third Part)

Jun 19, 2013 14:02

Third and final part here!

Back from the restaurant we got on the Night Bus, my first time ever, so I rode on top all excited like a kid. We arrived at King's Cross by midnight, and took the obligatory pictures with no tourists or guides around.

Pink wafers! Like the ones Gene Hunts mentions!!! \o/ They taste like regular wafers, but they're pink and Life on Mars-ish, and that makes me VERY happy. :D

And this is why I kept insisting I had to go to the Strand but first buy something at the fruit stall by the Thames.

According to space_oddity_75 I win every award for this. I would like to point out I plotted this months ago. This is how my mind works. :D

Yes, we ate the bananas right there. Munching and singing and giggling. :D

We bought a lot of tea (more on that later), and walked all the way to Somerset House to visit the Courtauld Gallery. We're both huge fans of Van Gogh and Impressionism in general, and this little forgotten gallery has some incredible masterpieces I was sure were in the Louvre or something.

I have no words.

Words still missing.


...they even have a freaking Modigliani!

We had lunch at the cafe there.

See that sandwich? It's goat cheese, pesto, eggplant and peppers in brioche bread. It was the best sandwich ever. I wanted to make sweet, sweet love to that sandwich, bring it breakfast in the morning and then have some wild sex with it. I wanted to marry that sandwich. I may have said all of these things out loud, moaning and squealing. I'm not sorry.

Still crying over my love for that sandwich, we went to The Teahouse in Covent Garden. I bought a "Scottish Teatime Recipes" book, she bought some leechee tea, it's a wonderful place. Except for the fact that the owners were completely stoned. At first I thought they weren't feeling good, then that they were in a bad mood, and then it hit me, they were just drugged to the gills. :D

On the train to the airport, we took a picture of our rings. They're Rose Rings we bough at the Globe, and they're beautiful. We thus declared ourselves Sisters of the Globe. \o/

I bought a few things at the airport, all Cabin Pressure related. And then we saw this. :D

Channeling my inner Arthur Shappey. I do love this picture.

Yes, you read that right, they're Retro Sweets. Mostly from the seventies and eighties, those sweets Gene Hunts mentions and that I didn't even know if they were real or not. This makes me so happy, you have no idea. *______*

We arrived at space_oddity_75's house by midnight, and decided to have a bit of Talisker to celebrate. That's when I decided we had to take a certain picture...

No cut here because it deserves to be seen by everyone. Behold! The ultimate Cabin Pressure picture! Bonus points if you read it very fast like a caption (Jelly Babies to manual/Talisker-Talisker/Toblerone, I could get him a Toblerone/Attention, mes amis, regardez-vous le bear polar!).

Some Scottish friends of hers taught her how to drink a glass of Talisker properly. First, you smell it. It mostly smells of pine needles and embers. Then you pour a bit in a glass and drink it as it is. The taste changes in your mouth, but it's still smoky. Then you put some ice in the glass (she had Mickey Mouse icecubes :D ), wait a couple of minutes and drink the rest, and the taste is completely different, fruity and fresh.

Obligatory pictures of what I bought.

And the afternoon tea back home. As soon as we saw they had Dragon Fruit tea at the Twining Store we knew we had to buy it. All while saying "dwagon fwuit, DWAGON FUIT" to each other, giggling like lunatics. :D

In conclusion, fantastic journey, superb company, fantastic food, 10/10. ♥

radio: cabin pressure, real life: london, graphics: pics, tv: life on mars, theatre

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