So I've been working ALL DAY on this goddamn thing as a break from my fic. I'm letting my brand new shiny Wash/Kaylee obsession take over my whole fandom life, y'see. I've got a new layout; my first one in absolutely AGES. It's Wash/Kaylee - as if you couldn't have guessed! - and I have a shiny new default icon to match. And a couple other icons
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Wheee, I now have a SP!Us layout to match __fallen, _fullofgrace and everysingleway! *pets it to pieces* Thanks *uber* muchly to Nando for making it! And the icons! Look at the icons! *loves on it* Thanks just as muchly to Toppiecakes for setting it and the colouring up, even if my journal DID go freaky on her... and thanks to Tonniepie McMirageycakes for just being her. LMFAO
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I had the best night out! Will post properly tomorrow ... just too busy laughing at the radio, gay brad pitt pics, and just random shit to describe it all right now!!