You might look up to find I've gone on to better things, better jobs or bigger rings

Mar 07, 2010 18:20

Karen and Max's visit was tons of fun :D They didn't leave Durham yesterday til the 12.27 train, by which point I was already up, so I gave Mam a lift into York and picked them up at the station - I had originally told them to get the bus because I am mean and wanted a lie in! But since I was already awake, I thought I might as well go and get them! It was the first time I've had more than 2 people in my car which was a bit exciting!

Once we got home we watched a couple of episodes of season 5 HIMYM, then I made my chocolate melting cake from the cruise (success with the guests, woo! Though it still could have done with bein a little bit melty-er) and then we watched more HIMYM in the living room til Mam came home from York, then we went upstairs and watched more HIMYM, ordered Chinese, watched some more HIMYM, went downstairs and ate the Chinese while watching some of Ant & Dec's new show and a bit of Piers Morgan interviewing Mr Cowell, then we went back upstairs, very full of food, to collapse and watch more HIMYM. We watched all 16 episodes of season 5 HIMYM, so then we moved onto Glee. We watched two of those before it was pyjama time, then sat and chatted for a while.

Karen and I discovered Max had never seen any Outnumbered so we watched the first episode of that, chatted some more and then went to sleep.

Today we sat around and talked more before I took them into York for the train, venturing into the short stay car park at the station for the first time ever. It's hard work getting out of there, but not as hard as I thought it would have been!

After they got on the train I went to the Starbucks in the station (Karen and Max had already been, and I decided against it, but I caved before setting off home) and brought it home in the car with me - first time ever I've drunk a Starbucks drink in my house! This is a momentous occasion!

I returned home to find Mam had dumped a massive pile of clean clothes on my bed that had been in the spare room for a month or so, and I'd just been picking items off it and wearing them rather than putting it away, so I took the hint and cleared out my wardrobe, putting shirts I want to keep but never wear in the other wardrobe, and managed to find about 4 tops I'd forgotten about, plus 5 pairs of jeans I don't know why I stopped wearing. I tried one pair on and they fit great, so that's a bonus! I'll try the others on when I can be bothered.

I also had a bit of a tidy, my room is now 50% tidier than when Karen and Max were here which is a bit backwards considering we spent most of our time in here, but never mind! I also renewed my season ticket online and sorted out my stack of old credit card bills which are all paid but not put away. I feel like today has been productive indeed! And now it's an hour til Dancing on Ice, so I think I'll have a shower and then settle in for that!

I need to set up a playlist for driving back from the match on Tuesday night - because it's my turn and it'll be so late and night, I'll need keeping awake - which means I get to decide which music to listen to loudly - 'cause it's my car. So Dad is going to be introduced to very loud Legally Blonde and Glee, with some NPH and maybe some Arctic Monkeys so that he doesn't go totally insane. This is going to be FUN :D

starbucks, max, echelon, karen

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