There's a memorial television spot for Steve Irwin on I think History Channel. It's just a short montage with him talking throughout, and some quiet music, but damn if it doesn't make me well up every time I see it! I hadn't cried about his passing before seeing that. Sometimes I worry that I've lost the ability to properly empathize with others. I've shut off most of my deeper, more primal or instinctual emotions in the past several years. Sad, but true. I've lost so much of myself, I almost feel disassociative sometimes.
I spent wayyyy too much money over the past week, and don't have much of value to show for it. O_o.
I bought
a new harness for Grizelda, that is much easier to put on her, and works even better than the other one. (In stopping her from pulling.) Looks better, too. And the ratties like their new home. They have oodles more room, and I felt a huge wave of relief when I saw them scampering up and down the ramps. I had felt guilty for so long, about them being in such a teeny cage before.So those two things were good buys, although the total was nearly $100.
Every day seems to blur into the next...I feel very...directionless. Dan isn't perfect, but I feel as though I am letting him down in a hundred different ways. I admit, I was a better and more productive girlfriend when he didn't live here, which makes no sense, since he was here all the time then, anyway, and we have more money now. I should be less stressed, overall. *shakes head* I just don't understand myself. Not one bit. I am a self-sabateour, extraordinaire!
*deleted rant about Mr. Anonymous* I don't understand him. Not one bit!
I want the week-end to be here. I want to go dancing.