Any tips on how to protect myself? Like, does wearing a heavy sweater make any difference in reducing the pain when you get hit? Lol! I'm such a chicken!
Thanx! I had a nearly 9 lb baby, with NO drugs/epidural, but I'm afraid of itty bitty paintballs, lol! I suppose it can't be worse than getting a tattoo, and I've got 5 of those! Not really sure why I'm so nervous. I'm sure the paintballs today are less painful than the ones my friends got hit with 15 years ago! I'm hoping, anyway, lol!
*LOL* In my experiencs a lot of time the balls just bounch off with out me even knowing half the time..Dont get me wrong I've been hit and brused with the balls but its all good *LOL*
It also is all how you deal with pain too.
Also have to keep in mind that your gonna get all hot and stuff from running around..
But dont be worried..You'll be fine.
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