Move along, nothing to see here...

Jul 31, 2005 04:50

I am home now. I am a bit drunk. Okay, more than a bit. Spent too much. Stupidly bought Revs. Not a Revolution Saturday. Silly me, trying to anaesthetize my heart with booze.

I swear that bitch's arms are as big as my fucking thighs. And I'm not skinny.
"I want someone I can lift up"
"I'm just not sexually attracted to you... how would you like to sleep with someone with a big ol' belly?"
Fuck, man, I just don't get it.
This will make sense to no-one. Well, maybe one person on my friends list. The other two people who would know what I'm yammering on about don't have livejournals, so this is just drunken rhetoric. I think I'll even disable comments.

Anyway, again with the ravey Friday type music. I was hopeful for a second when Paul played Doctorin' The Tardis by KLF, but that was the high point of the night. Besides my friend Jay in his sparkly grey evening gown, lol! Somehow he pulls it off. Fuck, Johnny has a stretchy grey dress of mine. He never wears it (that I know of) and I wish I'd gotten it back. But he really wanted it, and it looked so good on him. (Like most of my clothes!) *le sigh* I'm sure she's made him toss most of the things I gave him... I wish I could get my cards and letters back, but they're probably long gone. Meh. This is a useless train of thought.
I got a smile tonight. But it's impossible to read anything real into it. It's better for me to continue to believe that he doesn't care. The smile was only the awkward result of our eyes meeting, and standing only three feet apart. Nothing more.

I got home to find Chris and my brother watching some anime. They'd been at Velvet, and Funhaus. Chris said I would have liked it at Funhaus. It was PANIC, the monthly retro party, so he's probably right. Oh well, I did dance alot at Savage. Oh, and I saw nighthawk21, who looked fantabulous!

I was disconcerted to discover that my cute hot pink fishnets looked neon orange under the black light, but two people told me they looked awesome, so I guess it was alright. My hair colour didn't show up too well under club lighting, but when I'm out in the daylight, it's really vibrant.

I am now downloading Wolfsheim/Schiller's "Dream of You". Sexy song! Somehow I managed to remember the chorus, so I could google it, and voila! Now I know who it is, yay!

There seems to be a Tales From the Crypt marathon on the Space Channel. Kewl.
Oh, and my brother knew that Japanese movie, Heroic Trio. He's seen it in Chinatown, lol! I'll have to get him to grab it for me. That and The Thing That Goes Bump In The Night... Is In Your Pants! Heeheehee! I want that one just for the cover.
I'm a dork, I know.

See my sexy icon? ( I made it.) I bet no-one even knows who it is. *le sigh*

I wish I had some pizza right now. Dang.

This concludes my inebriated rambling for this evening. My apologies to anyone who actually bothered to read the whole thing. I think I'll leave comments on. What the hell.


friendy, feelings, clubbing, jay draper

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