Oct 20, 2005 16:08
Back home again (temporarily). Had to handle The Spawn of Satan this morning. Ugh. Driving back later today. Mom seems oddly bound and determined to make me stay for dinner.
I really love my daddy (when he isn't being a giant pain in the ass with the maturity of a two year old). He's decided to buy my clothes for work. Not that I really need anything, but hey I'm not going to complain. There are many things I love about the fact that my dad spoils us all rotten and this is one of them. Also, when he feels guilty because he always buys me really cool stuff then.
Yes, I am a spoiled rich bitch.
I've discovered something today. I compose livejournal posts while stuck in traffic. I do it all the time. And it's not just "Hmmm . . . what am I going to write about today" but writing a full fledged post in my head. Not that Audrey's odd thought processes are of any interest to anyone but myself. Now, if I could just find a way to post while driving I'd be set.
Made a big mistake today. Didn't have any caffiene at all this morning. Gave myself the most wretched headache. Awful, painful, withdrawl headache. I know it's not healthy, but I could really give a flying rat's ass. I have an unhealthy addiction to caffiene and I admit it, but that doesn't mean I'm giving it up anytime soon.
Got the Doggys sweaters today. They look disgustingly cute. Jack and Spike have matching red sweaters with little brown buttons down the back and Princess Sophia has a pink faux shearling jacket. I am vastly amused by dressing up my dogs. Am still trying to convince mom that she should get Spike a bumblebee costume for Halloween. She keeps saying no. :(
Got the cutest shoes today on zappos. They have them in a couple different colors and I want them (paticularly the pink and white pair) badly. Really, really badly.