Jul 04, 2006 20:32
This month started off like all the others since August. School from 8 - 3 and Drama out the yin-yang. I pulled of my personal goal of being the school bitch, and eliminating all the fake friends from my life. In the process I burned a few bridges with people I actually liked but in the long run I don't need them in my life. That chapter of my life is officially closed.
Work has been ok I guess nothing to interesting has happened or anything to drastic. My first three months are almost over and I will have more flexibility and junk. Still really miss LC at work but I know she is happier with-out Target in her life.
I've had so many near death experiences lately I can't believe I am still alive to write this. 1st Chris ran a red light leaving the movies causing a car to almost hit us on my side of the car. Then I was driving the other day [illegally] and I was merging into another lane on 64 and a car came behind me really fast and almost hit us on my side of the car again.
The one thing about this summer I regret the most is that the one person I have wanted to be with for so long I had and lost in a matter or weeks. I won't say his name but I am sure the people that might actually read this know who he is. He made me really happy for the short time we were together but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Anyway This was just a minor update on what's been going on for the past month.
month in review