Nov 29, 2008 23:47
These next couple of weeks are going to be extremely busy and stressful with projects and finals. There is also a lot going on with getting my medical paperwork finished and insurance straightened out. I can't wait until December 12th when I am done. I can't wait to pleasure read most of all!
I have my half marathon in less than 7 hours. I probably am going to run it really slow with the congestion from my cold and my knots in my shins have been acting up. After that I have to hurriedly ride home and finish 15 page paper draft to send to partner who is pissed at me since he wanted the draft done a week ago.
I don't know if it is stressing out about everything I have due or what but I still feel down. Somethings that people say can be really hurtful. I feel lonely.
Meh, anyways, another depressing entry. I am not always this way but that is when I use LJ.