Near to you - PG

Nov 20, 2010 12:31

Title: Near to you
Author: naty_seixas
Beta: mrssnape13
Characters: Rose Tyler, John Smith. Mentions of Doctor/Rose.
Rating: PG
Genre: Schmoop.
Notes: It's a 'what if in the Pete's World Jackie and Pete had Rose and existed a human version of the Doctor'. Written for schmoop_bingo. Prompt: reading aloud. Part of Smith and Tyler 'verse.
Word Count: 813
Disclaimer: If I owned Doctor Who, we would have a lot more Doctor and Rose cuteness on screen.
Summary: Rose is one of those lucky fans who can stand next to her celebrity crush and talk to him, but she never does. Not ever.

Smith and Tyler extras: back stories, timeline and pictures of inspiration.

“Planet Earth. This is where I was born. For the first nineteen years of my life nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever. And then I met a man called The Doctor,” Smith reads, his voice filling the room.

Rose is sitting in one of the last chairs next to the door, the usual spot she always gets when she goes to one of his reading sessions. Every time one of his books comes out, Smith does a reading session with his fans. The process is very selective and only a few people have the pleasure to listen it. Rose is one of those lucky fans; she always gets to go because her father is a friend of the owner of the bookstore that always holds these events. She's always there, paying attention to everything he says.

“A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine. He showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end.” he continues, his attention totally on what he is doing.

Rose smiles, remembering the first time she read one of his books. She was sixteen and the first book of the series The Doctor had been released a few months before she bought it. Three years and twenty-two books later, she became a little obsessed with the story and developed a crush on the author, John Smith. To be honest, it was really shameful for her to admit she'd follow someone's life so closely. Mostly because she hated to have her personal life all over the Internet, being the Vitex heiress and everything. Now, she'd go and not respect his privacy. Very hypocritical of her. Whatever, she couldn't help herself. It wasn't like anyone would know she read and watched every interview he ever did. Or that she kept a secret account on a discussion forum where people actually talked about his personal life. It wasn't like she was stalking him all over England; she had never even talked to him. The closest she got was like five feet away, because she was standing next to the bathroom door the security guard was protecting and he went there. She almost said hi to him that time. She's glad she didn't.

The major problem is she is the Vitex heiress and people tended to pay attention to everything she did. She never got why they followed her, because she wasn't famous, her father was. It was really weird, the fixation the whole of England had with her family. Probably her father and his countless businesses’ fault . Anyway, Rose didn't bring attention to herself because this was the only place she could be any other girl. So, she always tried to be invisible for these sessions. Also, she'd probably embarrass herself in front of him if she ever tried to talk to him. She'd probably be speechless or stutter and she never did either of those things. So, Rose preferred to stay away and fantasize about the meeting and the conversation they'd share if she could be as articulate as her teacher said she was. Some things were better to keep just in her imagination.

The sound of his voice surrounds the room for twenty amazing minutes, finishing the first chapter of his latest book “Doomsday”. Everyone gets up and applauds enthusiastically, including her.

“Thank you everyone for coming to the first reading of 'Doomsday.’ I hope you enjoy the rest of the book like I did while I was writing it,” he finishes with a smile and another wave of applause sweeps through the room. He waves to the crowd and starts to get off of the stage.

Rose feels anxious about the book. Everything she’s read by John was full of adventure, but it also was full of romance between the Doctor and his companion, Rose Prentice. She smiles, thinking about the Doctor's companion. It could be silly, but she’s happy she shares the name and the hair color of the character John had created. It always makes her smile and feel connected with the story. So, she believes everything will end well for them, even if in the beginning it looked like Rose was dead. She couldn't be. Smith couldn't be that evil and kill her off.

Rose shakes her head, pushing her thoughts away. Her eyes easily spot Smith in the middle of a bunch of people, talking with them. She grins and, at the same time, feels a little envious and jealous of them. She wants to be there, but she can't move towards him. She feels too awkward for that. She sighs and, glancing over her shoulder for the last time, she sees Smith happily smiling at the girl in front of him. With a content smile on her own face, Rose walks away.

'verse: smith and tyler, the doctor in the tardis with rose tyler, schmoop bingo, the stuff of legend, doctor/rose=the true platonic love, the motherfucking otp, challenges make me crazy, fandom: doctor who, au is better than canon, schmoop mafia baby, fanfic, pairing: doctor/rose

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