It's the way it should begin again - TenToo/Rose - PG

Nov 20, 2010 12:22

Title: It's the way it should begin again
Author: naty_seixas
Beta: mrssnape13
Pairing: TenToo/Rose
Rating: PG
Genre: Schmoop
Notes: Written for schmoop_bingo. Prompt: cuddling in vehicle. Title from Begin Again by Colbie Caillat.
Word Count: 959
Disclaimer: If I owned Doctor Who, we would have a lot more Doctor and Rose cuteness on screen.
Summary: The Doctor is all Rose wants in the universe and she finally gets him. She just never imagined it'd be like this.

Rose rolls the window down while she watches the cars that pass them by. Her mother is sleeping in the passenger seat while her dad drives. The silence is overwhelming, but, at the same time, it makes her relieved. She doesn't know what to say at the moment and, apparently, the Doctor gets the hint and remains silent. She doesn't know if she's happy he’s finally learned some social skills or if she's worried he's different in a way. She tries to not focus on that.

Anyway, they were heading toward dad's mansion. Her home in a parallel world. She had never expected to see it again. Well, she’d hoped she'd never see it again. It made her feel awful, but never seeing it again would mean two things: she was successful in her pursuit or that she had died trying. Otherwise, she had failed using the Dimension Cannon and didn't find the Doctor. It wasn't an option. It could never be an option, not for her.

She got her first signal to not give up after she made the first trip to another parallel world. The words “Bad Wolf” written on a wall, right in front of her. Her eyes filling with tears, her heart beating so fast and her hands shaking, she knew what it meant. She'd find him. Those two words would lead her to him. She just knew it. She just had to work on it, like the last time. It was only a matter of time; she'd end up with him and it'd be for good. It'd mean forever. This time she'd stay and he'd stay and they'd finally be together. Just as it should be.

Glancing over her right shoulder, the Doctor is observing the parallel London with interest.

Yeah, she can see the irony there.

She never thought she'd be back to face the things she’d done in this universe. She doesn't know how Torchwood will react when she comes back. They expected she'd report everything she did and saw while travelling between worlds, but when she took the device, she just kept going forward and never came back. She practically stole the device they developed to get to the Doctor. Before, she didn't care, but now she should think what might become of her career. Hell, if she still had a job there. Maybe helping to save the world would come in handy right now. She shakes her head and tries not to think too hard about it. She'd figure something out and, even if she hated it, she could use the “boss’s daughter” card.

She sighs and closes her eyes. Rose shouldn't worry about her job right now. She should worry about the Doctor’s situation.

Obviously, he’ll stay with them in the house.

Stay with me, she thinks. He's here to stay with me.

Giving him another glance, Rose can't believe the things she’s done. Because the situation she is living in right now is all her doing. Yeah, the other Doctor practically shoved her toward this new version of himself, but she was the one who had pulled him to her and kissed him with all the enthusiasm in the world. It was all her actions and decisions. And she still didn't believe she had kissed this him while the other him had watched.

Well, the question is how could she not have? After years of longing for him, Rose finally heard the words she hoped the Doctor said the first time she was in Norway. It wasn't the way she imagined she'd hear him say the end of that sentence that had haunted her for years, but it was still him who said the words. The Doctor had said he loved her; obviously she'd kiss him. He's the only thing she wanted all those years before and after she got trapped in the parallel world. All the things in the universe and she just wanted to be with him. And now, she finally was.

Rose opens her eyes and pushes the thoughts away. Watching the Doctor, she thinks how awkward and crazy their situation really is. He's here at the same time he's travelling in another universe. He chooses her at the same time he gives her up. They are a walking paradox and this gives her a headache. She shakes her head, capturing the Doctor’s eyes. They stare at each other and the Doctor gives her a little smile. She smiles back and, to her surprise, she yawns. The Doctor raises an eyebrow and snorts, muttering something about “silly human bodies”.

“Oi!” she says exasperated, hitting his arm. “Don't mock the humans. You're one of us now.”

He gives her a horrified face and says, petulantly:

“Part human. I'm just part human.”

She chuckles at him, rolling her eyes. It's just so him to say something like that.

“Whatever you say, Doctor.”

She can see his cheeks turning red and the frown on his face. How she missed pushing his buttons. She opens her mouth to give him a good retort, when a yawn escapes again. Rose sees him rolling his eyes again, but this time he slides over the seat, getting close to her.

“Come here,” he says, putting his arm over her shoulders. “Sleep.”

Automatically, she puts her arms around him, snuggling close. She can smell his scent, feel his single heart beating under her hand, the warmth his body radiates, the way he fits against her. Some things are still the same and other things are just different, but he feels like the Doctor.

It's what really matters, she thinks.

The last thing Rose feels before she drops off is a kiss on her forehead.

the doctor in the tardis with rose tyler, schmoop bingo, doctor/rose=the true platonic love, the motherfucking otp, challenges make me crazy, fandom: doctor who, i'll grow old and never regenerate, schmoop mafia baby, fanfic, pairing: doctor/rose

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