Sep 10, 2006 02:37
***** Not everyone has a sob story, and even if they do, it's no excuse*****************
Thats right 3 years after the cancellation of the show i am officially downgrading it to douchebag staus. Here's why:
1. I have spent many many hours watching these episodes.. in the hope that all the melodrama would appreciate to some grand knowledge of the didnt.
2. I couldnt have been father from the truth in my expectations.... I am no better now than TWO HOURS ago before the final episode. Just alot stuffier/puffier due to the crying.
3. I have evolved from a normal sleepy human being into a self loathing sniffling human being because this show had the balls enough to walk into my bedroom and tell me that i should have a "soulmate".
a. First off, what the fuck.. i mean who has a true soulmate.. and if you got one that doesnt live in your own house then how do the hell do you keep up.
b. Secondly, if you are lucky enough to have a soulmate, in what world is he going to be ok with you being with the guy who has screwed him over many times.
4. I have spent the 30 minutes post episode contemplating my current state of friendships ( which, by the way, should NEVER be done)and how none of them measure up to DC's impossible standards.
5. Compoiunding the situation steven fell asleep in the middle of my rant, only futhering that dawson's lofty ideals of friendship are a bit impossible. ( we all have to catch our shut eye somehow.... just as a brief comedic insert... im typing as loud as i possibly can with the screen set on the brightest possible setting, just so steven is midly annoyed and unable to do anything about it).
..... and the list could continue for many more lines.
Of course i only think that the final episode was a waste of time, because it focused too much on the poor-maladjusted-girl-with-a-fatherless-baby's death, instead of the trifeca of love which is what i really cared about. Then in the end im all balling like crazy and feeling completely inadequate. NEVER have i ever felt that after an epiosode of DC.. that show use to give me hope that my life would never be that fucked up... now it ends in the way that i could never attain thier ideals.
As frustrating as it all is, it only proves one thing.... these shows are just that... shows... these little 30 to 60 minutes disruptions. Thats all they should ever be. I think that from now on im not going to try and derive meaning from TV. Because its drivel ( well most of it).
ON a serious note... Sarah i miss you sweetie, and watching this show made me miss you more. I have only just realized that i could make up my entire past to everyone else and no one would be able to call me on it. BUt you are the only one who can keep me honest. I know you... very well, and i know you are slowly losing youself up there, and its hard for you to regain your identity when you are forced(by whatever means) to merge it with someone elses.
Relationships are some of the most powerful things in the world. They can make or break you at times. But after your broken, or after your sitting pretty, you will inevitably come back to your own sense of relaity. Dont loose it ok... you have been through enough to know that a man will not make or break you. He will only make you happy or sad. IN the end you have to make it yourself.
************We accept the love we think we deserve***************