Tell Me a Lie, part 1.

May 14, 2010 15:59

Tell Me a Lie
Chapter 1

Fandom: Super Junior.
Words: 1155.
Rating: NC-17, eventually. PG-13 in this chapter.
Pairings: In this chapter: SiChul, HenWook, mention of YeWook and ninjaish!HanChul.
Throughout the story: SiHanChul, YeHenWook, QMiMin, ShinMin, EunHae, KiHae, KangTeuk.
Summary: Being followed by a supernatural tease is beyond anything Siwon ( Read more... )

#qmimin, #kangteuk, #sihanchul, *tell me a lie, suju, #yehenwook, #kihae, fanfic, #shinmin, #eunhae

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xsharetheworld May 18 2010, 22:23:54 UTC

That was unexpected but thank you. lol

That would be fine if they were. :P hahaha no, I just kept picturing a little demon all red and with wings crawlin all over HeeChul and like NYAAHHH and hahaha yea, don't mind me. :P

:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD That makes me happy that my comment didn't like... hurt your feelings. O_O



naturedichotomy May 19 2010, 03:44:34 UTC
that was in response to your spot, not just a random proclamation, I swear =>.<=
ahhh is that jinwoon? :( i do not like him making wtf eyes at me

hahahahahayeahno. not red. no wings. just a little crazy from having spent hundreds of years with Heechul.

lol why would it hurt my feelings? you said you liked it. the word "obsessed" warms my little heart ♥

:D NOT LONG ♥ ♥ ♥


xsharetheworld May 19 2010, 04:22:28 UTC
Haha, don't worry. I figured. XD You have your moments too.... I just never.... point them out. O_o lol
Yes it is JinWoon but don't worry. Those are not wtf eyes aimed at you. Those are eyes that just found out that SNSD talks about his superobsessivemancrushonSeoHyun in their dorms after We Got Married filmings. LOL

Ohhhhhh, LOL okay. XD Understandable.

Odd... but good. :) NOT LONG MEANS GOOD. 8DDDDDDDD


naturedichotomy May 19 2010, 05:42:19 UTC
usually I avoid pointing them out because I don't know how people will react, but sometimes I just say fuck it and figure I've probably said weirder things to you and you still talk to me :D
hahaha he's so awkward/cute



xsharetheworld May 19 2010, 05:55:34 UTC
Yeah, it would take a lot to make me stop talkin to you, not gonna lie. And I mean A LOT.
I love it when he tries to be a man on 2AM Day. XD


naturedichotomy May 19 2010, 06:19:59 UTC
/wipes tear
I just want to pat his head and nooo. shhh. stop it.


xsharetheworld May 19 2010, 15:50:43 UTC
LMAO Yes, he's so much better cute but in a way his fail!manliness can be even cuter. LOL


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