Tell Me a Lie, part 1.

May 14, 2010 15:59

Tell Me a Lie
Chapter 1

Fandom: Super Junior.
Words: 1155.
Rating: NC-17, eventually. PG-13 in this chapter.
Pairings: In this chapter: SiChul, HenWook, mention of YeWook and ninjaish!HanChul.
Throughout the story: SiHanChul, YeHenWook, QMiMin, ShinMin, EunHae, KiHae, KangTeuk.
Summary: Being followed by a supernatural tease is beyond anything Siwon ever bargained for; Ryeowook isn't sure how to get to know a human, but damn it he's going to try.
Warnings: Vampire/Werewolf AU. It'll be a little bit gory later. These are essentially brutal serial killers, after all. Also insane!Leeteuk.
A/N: Something happened like. . . a month ago? Where carousel_captor mentioned vampire!SuJu and my brain just started formulating plot :P Here it is - the first part, anyway :D

ILU f-list ♥ that's why I'm posting this here first :) that way if it's absolutely terrible, I'll have people I like telling me XD

Heechul allowed his heels to click along the shining marble floor, relishing the flinch in the shoulders of the man kneeling before him. He slid into a pew, pulling his legs up and leaning slightly forward to catch the tail end of a prayer being desperately muttered.

He chuckled, hearing the words “incubus” and “demon” and “devil” leaving lips that were shining with sweat.

Siwon finally stood and swung around, pointedly ignoring the crouched figure leering at him. He tried to leave quickly, but Heechul stood and wrapped strong, cold fingers around his wrist.

“I thought you were Protestant,” he teased, an eyebrow raised.

Siwon sighed, looking towards the exit with conviction. “I am.” The rosary clacked in his hand like it was mocking him.

“I think you're confused.” Heechul's eyes glittered with delight as he looked at the tall ceiling, the stained glass windows, the crucifix, the statue of the Virgin Mary glaring at him. “What, did you think I couldn't get to you here? Or is their brand of forgiveness better? Stronger? More potent?”

Siwon pulled away, and Heechul released him. “It's your fault.”

Heechul could see him straining to keep his steps even as he exited through the back. “I don't think God likes when you blame your sin on others,” he called, tongue slipping out over his lips.

The footsteps became faster and faster, and Heechul cackled until he couldn't hear them anymore.

There was a sound from the rafters, and Heechul craned his neck to look up. “Geng.”

It happened before Heechul was even aware, but he felt strong arms wrap around his waist, an amused smile pressing into his neck. “Leeteuk will have your head for this.”

“No he won't.” Heechul swatted at Hangeng's face, but he moved.

“Oh, he will. Quite literally.”

“Don't sound so happy,” Heechul muttered, trying to walk around the man blocking the aisle.

Hangeng's laugh resounded, deep and bell-like through the sanctuary. “I'm only trying to warn you. You know it's true.”

“I don't give a fuck about his numbers,” Heechul replied, a saccharine smile gracing wide, dry lips. “I want that man.”

“I know, and you always get what you want.”

Heechul grinned pridefully and reached out to grab Hangeng's hand. “Do you want him too?”

Hangeng didn't answer, just spun around gracefully under their entwined hands as the cool night air started swirling in through open doors. “We should get back. Umma will want to count us,” he said smirking, a kind of amused melody catching at the end.

“Fuck it.”

Hangeng pursed his lips to keep from laughing. “Heechul, you've had four hundred years to get away from Leeteuk. If you really wanted to, you would have done it already.”

Heechul didn't say a word, but Hangeng could hear his growl as he stomped out of the church.

Ryeowook slid into a seat, cursing the bright, fluorescent track lighting in the cafe. The dark pair of sunglasses helped, but every instinct told him to shy away from the light.

He realized he was trying to tuck himself into the corner when a waitress asked him if he was okay.

“Fine,” he mumbled, untangling himself to sit normally. When she hesitated expectantly, he added. “Just a coffee. Could you have him bring it to me, though?”

She looked over her shoulder to where he was pointing and nodded curtly, looking a little hurt.

His order took entirely too long, and if he hadn't had ulterior motives (or if he had cared about coffee at all), he would have complained.

The boy came over, apologizing profusely for the wait, and set the mug down. Ryeowook scrambled for an excuse to talk to him, but found he didn't need one.

“Was there a problem?”

Ryeowook blinked.

“With your waitress.”

Oh. He considered his options: say yes and possibly get her in trouble or say no and be that much closer to the awkward truth. I've been watching you for weeks and honestly I'm a little obsessed so I thought I'd come stalk you closer up seemed like a bad thing to say before they even knew each other's names.

“What's your name?”

A raised eyebrow and quirked lips reminded Ryeowook that the boy hadn't been following his train of thought. “Henry. And you?”


Henry stumbled over the name a few times, finally giving up and laughing at himself. “Nice to meet you.”

Ryeowook nodded, watching Henry over his glasses for a second. He was pale and soft-looking, and Ryeowook had to remind himself not to reach out and touch. He had so little experience with acting like a normal human lately.

Henry grinned at the floor and shuffled his feet. “Well, I'll get back to work.”

Ryeowook almost didn't respond, but remembered to thank Henry for the coffee. He left it untouched as Henry retreated to the counter, and tucked a few bills, he wasn't sure how much, under the mug as he left.

Donghae nearly pounced on him as soon as he got out the door; he dangled his long, uncomfortably warm arms around Ryeowook's neck. Ryeowook shivered a little and pushed him off.

“You were so awkward,” Donghae whined, trotting to keep up.

“Do you know how hard it is to have a conversation when no one can read your mind?” Ryeowook asked, exasperated.


“Exactly.” He poked Donghae in the chest, and he hissed in pain.

“You're gonna be in trouble,” he whispered, as if someone were listening.

“Am I?” Ryeowook whispered back mockingly.

“Yes!” Donghae's eyes widened, not catching the sarcasm. “And so is he!”

Ryeowook stopped short. “What do you mean?”

“Leeteuk won't like this.”

“I didn't mean why I'll be in trouble. I mean him.”

Donghae rolled his eyes as if it was obvious. “Yesung.” When Ryeowook continued to stare blankly, he added, “how do you think he's going to take the news of you falling for some human boy?”

“He'll be fine, as long as you don't tell him.”

Donghae threw up his hands. “My lips are sealed.”

Ryeowook thought long and hard about punishments.

“Woah. Hang on - I can make sure Eunhyuk doesn't tell either, but you have to watch yourself around Kangin.”

“Mutt,” Ryeowook spat, but it sounded only half insult, half term of endearment.

“What am I supposed to do? He hears more than Eunhyuk and I combined.” He bit his nail nervously. “You know, you could just tell Yesung.”

“I don't really want Henry's death on my hands.”

“Yes you do,” Donghae replied too quickly, smile a little too wide for the topic.

Ryeowook laughed. “We'll see.”


hehe, I feel like this chapter is a bit more cryptic than I meant for it to be, but I kind of like it that way :)

#qmimin, #kangteuk, #sihanchul, *tell me a lie, suju, #yehenwook, #kihae, fanfic, #shinmin, #eunhae

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