Possible Bite Amid So Many Declines

Sep 22, 2009 00:26

Well, I have a possible bite from a profressor from Penn State but it is still in the works and I may have to switch from Ecology to Geography but I still will be doing wetlands restoration, just a bit different perspective really. This is a glimmer of hope since I have been rejected so many times because of people having a lack of funding. It is these finacial times, I guess and grants are harder to come by so I have to cast my net out wide. If I don't like it, I go and get my PhD which will change everything.

I really want to work with bats though, hence the change in user pic. It is of the Suborder Megachiroptera or flying fox in laymen's terms. I am doing my Senior Seminar on the "Evolution of Ecological Diversity in Bats" and let me tell you how it is fascinating to say the least. I won't bore my friends, like some others who post huge things on physics ;) but to give you a taste especially on one of the more interesting aspects of this study so far. Evolutionary biologists now are leaning towards the fact that Megachiroptera and Microchiropter (when you think of bats, this is typically the bat you think of) actually evolved form separate lineages. The Megas evolved from primate ancestors meaning that they are kind of related to us which has been backed by molecular evidence but the micros developed from a separate order more than likely shrew-like insectivores. More evidence is pointed in the structure of the wing which is different between the two suborders and goes along with Darwin's principle about structures only appearing once in the exact form that they are seen. The wings differ because in the micro's only the thumb is free with the rest of the fingers used in the wing but in the mega's the index finger and thumb are free which actually gives it a better climbing ability in trees which is more evidence for the primate origins.

I just find that fascinating but I am an evolutionary biology nerd and the only reason why I am not an evolutionary biologist is because there is only one job for you out there and that is to become a college professor...I like more options which is why I like ecology!

psu, evolution, graduate school, microchiroptera, megachiroptera, ecology, bats, evolutionary biology

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