Один из основателей молекулярной биологии, нобелевский лауреат
Sydney Brenner может себе позволить говорить, не сглаживая углы.
Q: You have been critical of the Human Genome Project.
Just having the human genome sequence is useless. I always used to say we should treat the sequencing of the human genome like income tax: It’s criminal to evade it, but there are legal means of avoiding it. I just knew that most of it was junk, and no one will thank us for spending money on sequencing junk. Of course, there will always be people saying you can’t tell, and maybe there is something there. Ha! Why not leave that for the next generation? The art of doing science is doing the important things first. In one lecture, mostly to students, I said, “Hands up, all those who are sequencing genes for their professors.” All these hands went up, and I said, “We have come to liberate you.” And everybody had a hell of a good laugh. Sequencing does not teach people how to do science.
I think we’d like to solve the problem of whether we can compute organs or people from the genome, but I don’t think we can, actually. Organisms can compute themselves from the genome. There are all these guys saying, “More is better; let’s get huge amounts of data.” I say the least is better. You do the least, and then you can calculate or compute whatever you want. Otherwise, it’s meaningless.
см. также
http://www.ambion.com/techlib/tn/103/7.html From Genes to Organisms (видео) -- лекция Бреннера в Columbia University (2003)
PDF Biology after the Genome Project (видео) -- цикл из трех лекций, прочитанных в Princeton University (2002). Прямая ссылка не работает, тем лучше - там полно других лекций по широкому кругу тем.
Лекции Бреннера отличные - хорошо мыслит.