If you haven't caught "Planet Earth" on Discovery you are totally missing out...
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Anyway, this show completely has me in a ditch lately. I think my mind is going through a maturity phase or something that I can't quite put down on paper. But this show has taken me out of my confort zone and made me truly look at myself and the rest of humanity in a completely different perspecitive.
I mean if you truly look at the human species now, it is really quite ridiculous what our true priorities in life are and how much we will change our lives to meet the conveniences of everyday life that we think are necessities. Animals strive everyday just to be alive. They are completely self-sufficient and do not rely on currency and fitting into narrow social infrastructures. Other species do not endorse killing many of its own kind just because they do not meet social requirements...well, most of them.
Our species is living in a world that is 72% water - 139 million square miles of inhabitable hydrogen and oxygen bonds. And our species is killing thousands of ecosystems within the waters of this planet just so that we can fulfill minor conveniences. Our species will spend millions of dollars on a steel refinery that is pumping crude oil out of oceans just so that it can fill a 30-gallon gas tank on an SUV that in return pumps out carbons that will eventually eliminate the ozone layer. Well, I do not know that for sure, but who am I? A doctor.
Now, I know what you are thinking. "Oh god, that liberal hippy has gotten a whiff of that good 'ole dank known as "environmental propoganda." And I openly admit that these everyday conveniences that I rant about are complete staples in my life and would be very inconvenienced and thoroughly pissed off if any of these things were taken away from me. But has our society gotten so addicted to convenience that we are on the verge of destructing the very thing that is keeping our species thriving? Not only that, but will kill one another just so that we can continue to live a life without hassle or aggravation?
It just completely blows my mind that not a single one of us can look at one another as just another human being. That is all we are. Strip away all of the glitz and glamour of convenience and what do you have? You have a bi-pedal mammal that builds its whole life around not living it.
But at the same time, I start to realize how truly unique and gifted humans are. I mean look at this dynamic. I am able to communicate with someone who lives thousands of miles away on a device the recieves an invisible signal from a plastic device that transmits...well, all that other shit. But isn't that amazing that I am wearing something that used to be a plant and somehow we have learned that we can turn plants into paper that wipe our asses.
Wow, what a tangent. It is so tangent-licious that it could quite possibly be the best tangent-erine I have ever tasted.
I hope no one really reads this because people that actually have me on their friends list should be given an award of some kind. I mean truly. I don't even think anyone reads this anymore. But I will reward some people that may actually still read my livejournal with this excellent video from this show that I watched at my friend Brittney's house...from Vermillion Pleasure Night.
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On another side note: What is it with people posing topless on Myspace? I will never truly understand the "true" meaning of this other than it being an egotistical tactic of a true undercover slut. And as we all know, undercover sluts truly have the worst "cover."
Well, since my computer has been fixed I have been a music downloading fiend and have soaken up all of the wireless broadband that my little cable modem can muster. Poor thing. But it has given me some excellent Fugees tunes. I love throwback Mp3's. I also love throwback t-shirts. I have decided that my new wardrobe will consist of nothing but jeans and 80s pop band t-shirts. And LOTS of bracelets. I have recently wanted to go on a bracelet shopping spree, but due to my lack of monetary I have yet to do such. I am really digging those religious icon bracelets. And I am also totally digging Cameos. Cameos are so pretty and have just now come to the realization that this post is really boring.
But I would like to think that posting like this is truly what livejournal is all about. It is all about just posting random ass shit and waking up the next day to comments about your rambling. But since I have no more TRUE livejournal friends I can expect to wake up to a world of disappointment....and morning wood.
Morning wood really does suck in the morning. You girls have no idea, but I would gladly accept a handful of morning woods versus a bleeding vagina. And by bleeding vagina, I mean the ones that bleed once a month and other things.
Man, you girls have a real tough time with your genetalia. Happy Mothers Day to that. You mothers truly are something to celebrate. Your vaginas bring to this world diversity and new beginnings - and over population you SLUTS.
Why is it that everything that I need in my life has the battery life of an obese running the Boston Marathon? I mean, my electronics have about the same amount of energy as Terri Shiavo on Xanax. Man, I totally shouldn't have said a Terri Shiavo joke. I mean what happened to her could totally happen to me.
Well, minus the anorexia that eventually led to her untim....no....very timely death. But isn't that always the case when we make out-of-context joke that we cover it up with "I shouldn't have said that." But you did. Your brain registered the thought and your mouth vomitted such idiocy. But see here on Livejournal you have something called "Freedom of the Press" and that is why you shouldn't say what you mean in public. You should just post it on an internet blog/post site and people will read how sorry you are about saying things that really didn't need apologies.
Global Warming, Slavery, Backstreet Boys, Denim Oxford shirts...now those are things that deserve apologies.
Look at him, he looks so content living in fashion sin.