Oct 09, 2013 09:49
In June I started washing my hair every other day with shampoo. In the beginning of September I decided to try out shampoo bars with an ACV rinse because I have extremely hard water. It gets my hair clean but it can't seem to decide when to become oily. Sometimes it looks great the day I wash it and then by day 2 it is oily. Other times it doesn't even look oily but it feels oily on day 3 but I wash it anyways because I work and can't have nasty looking hair. I haven't really changed anything to make the oiliness different. If anyone has any thoughts on that they would be greatly appreciated. The real reason I'm here though is that I am becoming super itchy. My shoulders and the top of my back are super itchy almost all the time. My head is also becoming itchy. I'm not sure which is the problem. I would guess that it would be the ACV that my body just doesn't like but I'm not sure what I could use in its place. My routine is to get my hair wet, rub the shampoo bar on my head and then work in the soap. Then I rinse it and I either use a spray bottle with 1 tbs of ACV to about 8 ounces of water or a big cup with 1-2 tbs ACV and 8-12 ounces of water. Since I have hard water I don't just spray it on the ends of my hair but I also don't try to separate my hair to get it on my scalp. After a couple minutes I rinse it out. Any ideas of which one might be making me so itchy and what I could try? I know I've heard people use lemon juice but does it work with hard water? I've also heard of chamomile tea or other kinds of tea. Will they help to get the minerals out? I'm tempted to just try water only because my body has never really seemed to like soap anyways but is that a good idea with extremely hard water? The shampoo bar is chamomile and citrus or coconut milk and honey from chagrin valley. I switched at the end of September. Any advice would be awesome. I really don't want to go back to regular shampoo but I can't handle this itchiness either. I did have some scalp itchiness when I used regular shampoo but not the shoulder itchiness. Oh I've also noticed that if I try to use the shampoo bar on the ends of my hair they get really dried out. Could it be the soap that's drying my skin out?
x-posted to no_poo
skin problems,